Prepare for Battle

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Luka looked up at his desk and noticed something. A little box, much like the one he had for Viperion, was sitting on it. He reached for it and wondered what Ladybug wanted him to do for her with Sass now. The Akuma alert wasn't on yet, so it was probably a surprise attack that Ladybug somehow knew of?

He opened the box. But instead of the calming teal orb appearing, a golden burst of light like the sun itself erupted from it. He winced, and when he opened his eyes back up, a giant, fuzzy bee with big blue eyes stared back at him.

"Hello, Master." The little kwami blinked her very big blue eyes at him.

He tilted his head in confusion. "Hello. I'm Luka. Huh. I thought Ladybug would give me Sass, not that you're not adorable."

She giggled, a sound that was like a little flute. Her melody was sweet and innocent, yet imploring like thick honey. "Thank you! My name is Pollen! But Ladybug's not here. A friend of the Guardian sent me to you. I guess she didn't know you were a snake."

Luka nodded. "Why would I be needed?"

Pollen shook her head sadly. "Unfortunately, Ladybug left at the wrong time. There is a very dangerous Akuma on the loose, and we need all the help we can get. Miss Tabby is getting them. All you need to do is transform, Master."

"And how do I do that?" Luka asked, taking the comb from the box and looking at it carefully. "I don't know how I would be able to stick this in my hair. I'm a boy, you know."

Pollen took the comb looked around his body carefully. "I could make the comb more like a bracelet, and you could wear it on your arm."

He nodded. "Great idea Pollen!"

She smiled sweetly. "Thank you, Master! All you have to say is Buzz On to transform, and Buzz off to detransform if needed. And Venom is the attack. It paralyzes the enemy, but the amount of time it paralyzes depends on the size and power."

Luka nodded. "I understand."

Before he could say the transforming words, Pollen tapped his wrist quickly. "Word of caution. I am not sure who the akumatized person is, but I overheard the Guardian's friend muttering of how dangerous it was going to be. Something about justice and murderous sword and scales." The little kwami looked him in the eyes. "Be careful. My miraculous is still foreign to you compared to Sass's."

Luka blinked. "Of course, Pollen." The bee-kwami stared at the comb, and it began to transform. Its teeth lengthened, the color turned from silver to a black with a green tint, and it wrapped itself complexly around his wrist.

He gulped and licked his lips. Was he ready?

He looked at Pollen, who was staring at him with a meaningful, sad, smile. "Pollen, Buzz On!"

Luka Couffaine disappeared under a shower of golden stars.

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