Mauvais Sentiments (Bad Feelings)

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They had eaten lunch at the bakery, as Marinette had promised. Her parents were sweet people and made delicious food. After lunch, they had played Mecha Strike 2 and 3, which of curse Marinette had won. 

Alice tapped her pencil against the desk, thinking of Lila's demise. Death by fire? Nah, not painful enough. Maybe they could slowly strip the liar's lies one by one in front of the whole school, and then strip her skin off. Hmm, that was better.

Marinette suddenly burst into the classroom, the rest of the class, led by the liar, followed in, shouting.

Alice leapt up and banged her hand on the desk, hard. "Shut it!"

Everyone immediately quieted, only Marinette's sniffles evident. "Why are you all yelling?! People can hear you from the top of the Eiffel Tower!"

Lila scoffed. "Because Marinette was exposed to have stolen my fashion designs and she denied it! Just like her! She's such a liar!"

Alice chuckled, a bit evilly, mind you. "Marinette wouldn't have stolen your designs, she has so much more talent than you. Even a person with no fashion sense would never stoop so low as to steal designs from someone in the negatives of fashion. I mean look at you! Orange and grey? Nuh-uh! Not to mention your sausage tails!"

Lila sputtered for a moment. Alya immediately jumped to her rescue. "Hey! Just because you have no fashion sense doesn't mean you can say that!"

Alice burst out laughing. "Wow! You have some guts! Saying that to the daughter of a famous fashion designer who has modeled clothing of all types? Hilarious!"

Marinette became quiet. Too quiet.

Alice looked over at the girl, who was looking down and fidgeting. "Marinette? Are you alright?" The blonde walked over to the girl and put a hand on her shoulder. 

The bluenette looked up sadly. She unclipped her earrings and gave it to Alice. The blonde looked down, shocked. It was the same hand as the arm supporting her panjas bracelet. "Alice, you're the only one I trust with this right now. Keep it safe. Stay away from me." Marinette took a deep breath as the butterfly icon appeared on her eyes. "I don't think I can retaliate against him."

Alice gasped as Marinette closed her eyes and purple bubbles cover her from head to toe. When it burst off, an Akuma with a white blindfold and a beautiful red silk dress stood in her place. Her hair was free with golden strands, and her lips were painted golden. She gripped a silver sword in her hand.

Alice sighed. "At least this Akuma has great fashion tastes."

The Akuma smiled gently. "I'm not just any Akuma," she said in a smooth, watery voice. "I am Princess Justice."

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