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Aranv : so you woke up  bbay ? how  was your sleep !! nad how is my junior  !!  ( khsuhi eyes widened as she remembered that she is pregenant ... while khushi flinched but didn’t reply while .. arnav left her ... and  then hovered on her and lending toward her and kissed her tummy making khushi feel disgusted )  you know bbay how much your papa  loves your mumam ... but  tumhari mumam ko ...  toh  tumhare pap ki .. koi kadar hi  nahi  hai 1! Let   me show  then how much your pap loves her !!  khushi jerked with faer!!
 Khsuhi: no please!! ... ( she whispered but  before  she could complete aranv entered into her and started loving her .. and  then theyu both dozed off one  dozed off because of tiredness of loving and other  just fainted because she have .... no energy left  to .. bear him !!
Arnav was in the living room while  sitting in the couch while ... reading his daily news paper ....while checking his stalks ... on the tv .... while sipping his coffee ... whereas khushi  was in the room still sleeping ....!!  maria walked out of the kitchen carrying the breakfast tray in her hand ... while was about to go upstairs toward the room while ... arnav just stopped her ...
Arnav : wait !! where are you going ?
Maria: sir !!  taking  breakfast  for  mam !! 
Arnav : she is  still sleeping .. no need to disturb her !! she is ... exhausted and tired so let her  take sleep !!  ( maria nodded while .. turned back to the kitchen  while ... aranv got a call ... and  he walked out from there receiving the call ... !!)
Khushi was sitting in the floor  while hugging her knees weeping silently .....  now  days her tears  were also being  dried  up !!she cursed her fate .... to play sucha  tragedy with her ..she cursed the day when he met with aranv !! .... she cursed the day she accepted his proposal ...   all  the bitter memories flashed in her mind ..and ..shook  her to the core !!
‘Arnav singh raizada ‘ a man with different shades !!! untill  you know this man very closely .... you couldn’t say ...  what  he is ???    those who   have afced the rael asr !! they only  know who he is ???  what  ever  he wants !! he  grabbed it by hook or  by crook!!  He never  takes refusal nor a no !!  what he said is final !!  for  him ... he  himself is  a god !! and he  wrote his own destiny and as belives to rules other destiny .. is ...  just  seeing  from outside  you cant say what  the  man is .. but  staying with him ..  in the same house ...  living with him .. everyday .. in the same house same room  you can  say   what  he is  but sometimes !!  even stauying with him ... you cant get to know the real  face of the man!!
Khushi  have never  imagined in her worst dream that  arnav would be  like this .....  !!   he even have this  shade ....  !!  she was being with  him for  almost one yaer   she knew   he was  shortempered person ...... !! but .... he could have this side she never imagined !!
In this  one month .....  she have seen such  a face of  her husband  she couldn’t even  imagined !!  what  was her fault ... her fault was nothing but  she have ... said a no !!  to him ..... on his face and .... hurt  his ego!!
After mararige .. even she tries to escape from his cage !! but all goes to vain !! .. infront of his power she is nothing !! and thus everytime  she tries  to fled from here  and everytime .. she  ended up  in hios bed !!
Tears rolled down her cheeks !! as  the  everything played in her mind ..and then something stuck in her mind ..  and she looked at her  tummy and placed her palm on it  and caressed  it ...  and the  word  of the   doctor “  congratulation mr. raizada  she is  two weeks pregenant”   the  word  pregenant  echoed  over her  mind !! ...
Khuhsi: ( whispered in teary chocked voice) I ... am pr..e ... genant .... ( she stares blankly at her tummy ... and tears  rolled down her cheeks she recalled the  nights .. the screams  .....  the pain full moans !! .all  just reparked in her making her every  cell  of the body yelled in  fear !!.  khushi closed her eyes a lone tear  escaped from her eyes ...
This news are  blissfull word ... for any  married woman ... every  married woman  would be bless with the news  of   her pregennacy !!   it’s a beautiful gift  given by god  to every amraried women to increase the  love between the couple ..and made their  life  more blissful with this news   of happiness that  another member is going to become part  of  their life !! but !!  for khsuhi she didn’t fel anykind of feeling that  a married women supposed to feel ... during her pregennacy !!
 This baby is  not out of their  love but .. out  of her so called husband’s lust hunger and  desire ... khushi clutched her tummy while digging her nails in  it over’s  dress ...  she felt  disgusted !! she felt chaep of herself!!  The  news of  baby bring happiness in  every girl’s life but for her .......  it’s not  any  sign of happiness  but the sign of dirt ..of that man ...  ..the sign of torture   he did with her   every night ....  in his bed !!  it’s not out  of love !!   may be for him it’s love but for her it’s  out of lust !!  out  of his need  !! ... and  she  is carrying ... his dirty seeds ... in her womb !! ...
 She felt herself humiliated chaep !! ... and more over that she felt disgusted thinking  that she  is carrying his  seeds ... in her womb !!. she felt angry on herself ....
Did she ever able to love this baby ?  this baby ... just will remember ...  her   how  her  husband  everynight rapes her manipuluate her!!  .....
 Khsuhi gritted her teeth while tightened her grip on her ..tummy in disgusting ...
Khuhsi :  why  devi myaia !! why ?? why !!  why  you are doing this to me ! what  harm did I cause to anyone !!  that you are punishing me like this !!   every happibness you have snatched away from me  devi mayia .. and now  !! this !!  I cant bear this illegimate sign of his lust in me !! ..  i fel dirt of myself !!  ( she wiped out of her  tears and stood up and stared at herself in the mirror .. and just touched her tummy she scrunched her  face in disgustion  in the thought that  she is bearing  the symbol of that  man !! she hated herself ... in the thought that .. now  his seeds  is being  growing inside her womb she  hated herself ... she hated this baby because .. it ‘s out  of lust  !!  beacusde  it’s  the sign of all the horrible nights  she have   spent with him )
Khushi: ( determindedly) I have tried a lot !! ..  but  everytime I get defeated .. infront of his power !!  and money !!  everytime I have to ended up  with him ? why ? because  I have no one beside  me  because I am a orphan !!    I  accept  my defeat  !!  I am tired of fighting with   my fate !! I am tired of fighting with him !! . but every thing should  be  end  !! if  I cant get justice anywhere then only  one way I have !!  I will end myself !! .. he cant manupuliate me any more  !! neither !!  I will let this bbay .. come in this earth!! ...  I wont let his dirt  to come in this earth!! .....   I will finshed myself   along with this baby !! ... I will kill myself and  end all my sorrowness !! .. I will ewnd this chapter  forever I will end myself !!  (  she   murmured  determidingly while just stared   herself in the mirror with some kind of glint  in her eyes!!  )
Arnav was in the study room ...  and was  busy in attainding ... a video conference ..from past  two hours !! ...   after his conference  get  over .. he  came out of the study room ... and  called for  maria ...
Arnav : maria !!  maria !!  (  he called while  maria walked out of the poolside ...  as she was watering his plants !! ) 
 Maria; yes sir!!
 Arnav :  bring a hard black  coffee for me !! ( he  walked toward  the couch while  flipping some apges of the file  he was   holding in his hand while maria nodded and  left ...  after  a while  maria walked to him with his coffee while   aranv asked)
  Arnav :  hmm  did khushi  !! woke up  ??
 Maria :  no sir !! ...   I went called mam !! but ... there was no response  I think ..she is still sleeping !1  9 aranv just nnodded his haed and  looked at  the clock  which was  stiking at  1 pm )
Arnav : strange  !!    this girl  is sleeping  from so long !!   !!   ( he muttered  under his breathe  and looked at maria  ) you go  and called her !! it’  already tym for lunch as well as she have  medicines ...   to take !! 
 Maria: ok sir !! (  she nodded while  went upstairs  toward their room)
Maria: ( knocked)  mam!! mam !!!   mam !! ( she again knocked but there  was no response from inside and  then  she try  to  push the door ina  thought  if  the doo is opened ... but no it was locked from inside!!
Maria :  mam !1 ( she said in a panicking voice  ) mam!!  9 now she get tensed a sshe was raely knocking since long .. and  now she thought  to called  arnav .... as  she find something fishy  she  rushed down stairs to called aranv)
Khushi stood in  the chair  placing  over the bed ....  while .. she hung a saree  over the ... and ... made a knot  .. like a fasse!! And holdint it  with her both   ahnd and was staring at the knot  tears  rolled down her cheeks as she felt helpless ...  of her fate !!
 Khushi  : ( sighing ) forgive me  !!  mumam papa .. your daughter didn’t able to fight back !! ...  I  didn’t have any energy  to   stood up against  your ... son in law!!.  I cant  live  like this any more  ....rather than dieng  everyday it’s better to   die in  one  moment !! ... I have tried .. I have tried!! A lot ... I have tried  a lot to fight ..  but no more I have no energy left ! In me !!  I know .. how  much  I ...  fight  the ultimate results  will   be the same !1 as usual ... he will own me !!   he cant own me anymore!! .. I am sorry  mumma I am sorry papa !! your daughter losse the battle of life !!  I have no option left now !! other than  accepting  the death!! ..
Maria  ( rushed down in a worry calling for aranv while aranv was busy  ina tatinding some of his official call)  sir  !! (  panting ) sir!!  ( aranv looked at her with raising his eyebrow and  give her a qwestioning look)
Arnav :  (  on call) yaeh  mr verma I called you back!!  ( hecut the acll and looked at  maria) yes maria!! 
Maria; sir  who mam !!  who mam  ..( aranv stood up  from the couch in   worry)
Aranv ; what ? what happened to her / and why seemed to be  tensed!!
 Maria :  woh !!  whoh  ( pointing toward the room) mam isn’t opening the  room !! I have being trying since long but she isn’t  opening the door !! and the door is locked  from inside I tries to acll her but sheis not  even responding too so I  just thought to call you !!  ( aranv looked at  her  and then just  rushed  toward the  upstairs in a hurry) 
Arnav :  ( standing outside the room and  knocked while calling khushi’s name)  khushi! !! khushi!!     Opened the door baby !!  khushi  !!  (  he    knocked again  and then try to push but the door was locked)  dam !! the door is  being locked!!
Khsuhi  jerked  hearing his voice and  she clutched the edges of the sare knot  tightly and  just  shivered with faer and  looked at the  direction of closed door)
Khushi: ( shooking her haed) no aranv singh raizada!!  No !!  this time .. you  cant stop me !! I  will  escape  from  your clutches!!  And you acnt do anything this time!!  I will kill myself !!  and  you cant  do anything !!   you  cant possessed me anymore !! I acnt live a dreadful life  with her staying here!! No .... !!  ( loking  upward  ) mumaa papa .. accept me !!  your daughter is coming  to you !!accept me !! ..... ( a lone taers  escaped from her  eyes while he heard his sharp voicve from outside  the room  )
Arnav : khushi opened the door dammit !!  I said open the door !!  ( khsuhi just stared at him for  awhile   while  just clutched  the  knot  and ... hung her neck inside  it ....   )
Arnav :    I   have to break the door (  he started pushing it ...  by his forearms ....  but then .. just straightened himself .. and ... just  kicked the door ....hard making the door  flung open  and break down on the floor .. while he entered the room .. and  his angered raised  in no time .and even shocked at the same time seing khsuhi trying toattempt  suicide ) KHUSHI!! .. khushi closed her eyes and was about to kicked the cahir off  of  her .. but  before  she could   do that ...  she felt  a pull ...  in her wrist .. as some one clutched her wrist and pulled her down of the chair while untieng the knot from her neck ... and pulled her down ... harshly khsuhi opened her eyes and  she shivered seeing  it was none other than n aranv ... who pulled her down ...  of the chair ...... and before .. she  shivered  while aranv  eyes were  throwing  fire through it his jaws were tightened  .. while  khushi   struggle to get out of his grip  and ... that  pissed aranv more aranv left his grip on her and roamed his eyes ...  around it and seing what she  was trying to do it raised his anger and before khsuhi could even react   arnav palceda tight slap on her chek making khushi stumble and fell back on the bed!!
 To be cntd

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