I Really Hope Veronica Feels The Same Way

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I woke up the next morning and got myself dressed in some of the clothes Regina had gotten me since I had to look Plastic in order to pull off the revenge on Regina, but if I'm being honest, at the moment I only wanted revenge on Veronica.

After I had gotten dressed, I checked my phone and I had an Instagram notification from JD. I opened it, and it was a picture with a really long caption, but what scared me was that it was a picture of Veronica. Then I knew it was something for revenge on Veronica. I read it, and I was definitely not wrong. It said:

Veronica Sawyer is a hot liar! She said that I was helping Janis cheat on Heather Chandler, but in truth Janis was never even dating Chandler and she's not dating me either! Veronica is just mad at Janis and wanted revenge, so she fed straight into Regina's rumor! And made it worse. That picture was just me and Janis crying into each other's arms after Veronica yelled at us. We thought she left, but no. Instead she took a picture of us and made up a lie about it! 

I smirked and then I texted JD.


Me: Thank you for that Insta post. I was having trouble thinking of ideas. 

Jason Dean: No problem. I mean, we weren't gonna let her get away with her post, we're we?

Me: No, of course not! But, in all honesty, I kinda miss Veronica so if she is willing to, can the three of us call our damage even?

Jason Dean: Fine by me.

Me: Thank you so much!

Jason Dean: Anytime!


I then checked Instagram and saw that JD had deleted his post and smiled. That meant that he was actually ready to apologize to Veronica, and so was I. I really hoped Veronica felt the same way.

I put my phone back in my pocket and headed to school ready to apologize to Veronica.

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