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Cecil hasn't messaged you again since you got your pizza.
Which is fine.
Also, you did tell him you were gonna go eat it when it showed up.
Still kinda odd that he went from 38 messages in under an hour to nothing.

You hope that he wasn't just using the kittens as an excuse to try and.. You know...
You really need to find somewhere for them. Of course, this could just be some convoluted cosmic way of telling you that he isn't the right home for these kitties.
You're still gonna remain hopeful though. Maybe once you're done putting away all your leftovers, you can send him pictures of the kittens.
Just try and keep things on-topic from here.
Bring things back to the cute fluff balls whenever he starts being weird.


Once you finished putting the pizza away you went up to the kitten room.
They're so cute when they're sleeping.
Now its time to wake them up.
Growing kittens gotta eat!
You do snap a few pictures first though.

As soon as you crack open the milk can, cotton pops his little head up.
He rolls over and tries to shake the sleep from his eyes before walking over to the bowl.
Cotton waits patiently for you to pour the milk. Which you do, since he's such a well behaved boy, unlike some kitties.
You glance over at Koi, who's sleeping on Aurora.
She always yells at you if you don't pour fast enough. Seriously, its the cat equivalent of yelling! You'd think that sound would've come from a fully grown cat, not a wobbly little kitten.

They all slowly wake up and toddle over to the bowl. You'll try putting some soft food on a plate for them tomorrow. For now, you're feeling way too tired.
Even though its only mid afternoon.
Its kinda strange, but its probably because you're so full. you did just eat like half a pizza.. Okay maybe there was only one slice left in the box. Its not your fault, you were hungry!

You exit the cat room and head up to yours. Looking at your phone, its only 5:30, but you're so tired.
You could either take a nap or just straight go to sleep. You'll see how it plays out.
That's a great thing about living alone~


You grumble as you're stirred from your sleep by an annoying sound.
Opening your eyes, you glance over to the source of the noise.
Who the hell is calling you?

You grab your phone and look at the screen.

Of course its Cecil.
You'll just let it go to voicemail and apologize later.
Once it stops ringing and goes back to your lock screen, and you can see the time in big bold letters.

You seriously slept for twelve hours?!
As you're going through the mist of confusion, Cecil calls again, his picture appearing on the screen.

You grumble to yourself, deciding to accept the call this time.

"Hello?" Your voice came out sounding very tired.
Its very quiet for a moment.
You hear a small "Oh" on the other end.
"You actually picked up this time!"

"Huh?" Curiously, you check your notifications. 23 unread texts, 8 missed calls and 3 voicemails.
Not really wanting to touch any of that right now, you just mumble a response. "Yeah, I was asleep.."
"I thought you might be."
Then why the fuck did you keep calling?!

"Did you need something?"

"No, I just wanted to talk to you, but you weren't answering my texts."
Jesus Chrysler..
of course I wouldn't answer at 4-5 in the morning!
"Wait, why are you up? Its really early. Do you have a church thing?"

He laughs. "Yeah, but its in two hours. I just have trouble sleeping."


"Kind of. I can get to sleep alright, its just staying asleep that's a struggle. Back when I had my little pearl, I could stay asleep all night as long as she was curled up next to me.."
Pearl? I'm guessing that was the name of his cat. He sounds like he misses her a lot..
"But now that she's gone, I just wake up alone in my room."

You were about to say something when he decided to change the subject.

"Oh, since I have two hours to spare, can I come over and see the kittens?"

There's s very obvious way to get around this without directly rejecting him.

"If your parents say you can, then sure."

"Alright! I'll go ask mother- err, my mother." And then he just hung up.
Well, at least that's over with.
You sit up and swing your legs over the side of the bed.
Now that you're not under the covers, you notice how cold it is in the room.
Why is it so cold? Did you sleep walk and turn the temperature on the air conditioner down?
That'd be a weird thing to dream about.

Actually, you don't remember dreaming about anything last night.
Twelve hours and not a single dream, what a rip off.

You stand up and head to the bathroom, Cuz damn you seriously need to pee. You should go check on the kittens after you turn up the temperature a little bit. Hopefully its not too cold in there. They have a heated blanket, but still.

After going pee, you look at yourself in the mirror while washing your hands. You don't look like somebody who just slept for twelve hours.. If anything, you look like you got half that, max.
Still, you don't feel tired at all. You feel decently rested. Not any more then usual, but rested.

You dry your hands and head into the hallway to check the thermostat.

52? How is can it be 52 degrees inside?
(About 11 Celsius)
The lowest temperature you can set the air conditioner to 62.
Maybe you should just open a window until the temperature fixes itself. You open the door to the cat room but the kittens don't come running.
At first you're confused, but after looking around and not seeing them, that confusion quickly turns to panic.

You look under and behind everything in the room and don't see a single kitty.
You speed to the front door and check to make sure its locked. Its still locked.
On your way to checking the back door, you see something that fills you with relief.

Aurora, sleeping on one of your fluffy throw blankets that had fallen on the ground.
If she's here then hopefully that means everybody else is just in the house somewhere.
How did they get out though?
Last you checked, kittens can't turn door knobs.

You crouch down and pet Auroras cheek. She purrs loudly and rolls over, showing her belly.
"Where are the others?" You ask the cat. Obviously you receive no answer.

Suddenly theres a knock on the front door. They can go away, you're on a mission to find some kittens. Hopefully Koi hasn't gotten herself trapped or hurt..
Whoever they are just keeps knocking.
You get up from the floor, having been looking under the couch, and walk over to the door.
You open it, not very happy with the intrusion.

On the other side is Cecil- Holding Koi?!

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