Chapter 22

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Anna POV
He was happy that am pregnant again but I wasn't. He saw my face and ask" why your face is like that"?" Um I think it's to early for me to pregnant so soon. Don't you think "?" Really so you are telling me that you don't want another child "." Well not right now". He look at me saying " you don't have choice "." Oh yes I do and my choice is am not having this baby" I said. "Is you crazy Anna you gonna give born to my children until I don't want anymore". I look at him not saying anything I went to the bathroom came out dressed, he asked" where the fuck you are going "?" None of your business" and walk away to the garage take a car and went a mall. Doing some shopping for me, my baby and husband after shopping I got a call the callers ID was uncle. "Hello uncle how are you"?" Am good my niece but I have some bad news ". I pull in the garage" okay am listening " I took the bags from the car and in the house." You pass away this morning niece" he say. James their sitting as he saw everything I had in my hands drop too the floor. I pick up the phone and I say" uncle please tell me he is not dead please tell me" I cried." What he die from "?" Cancer I have to go niece stay strong ". He hung up" why did had to be dead"?" Who is dead baby" James asked. I look at him saying "make love to me please"." Okay baby girl what's wrong"." Did Kenesha wake up since I was gone"?" Yes she over their. Come on tell me why are you crying "?" My father pass away not to long he had cancer"." Baby am sorry stay strong"." Now I have to get test and please make love to me"." Why do you have to get tested"?" Because cancer runs in my family bloodline" he nod and take off my clothes. I took off his and he said " where did go little while and better not say that I don't like"." Are you make love me or not? Because I will go and get somewhere else ". He slap in the face saying" what the fuck your body is mines so watch how you speak to me now go by the table bend over it and those legs". I did as I was told then he said "hands behind your back and don't move them" I nod.

James POV
I held hands jus in case she move, so I thrust inside of her and went on her toes." Take this dick it's all yours". I smack her ass causing to moan harder." Ah ah ah daddy am coming fuck fuck daddy"." Scream my name baby girl"." James ah fuck daddy"." Shit fuck baby girl am gonna cum deep in this sweet pussy of yours". After that she pick up her clothes and went to take a bathe so I join her but I notice she crying so I walk up behind her and hug saying " hey am here for you am not going anywhere okay" while hugging her she turn around and started to kiss me and push up against the wall and get on her knees and take me in her mouth. Bobbing her front and back until I cum in her saying " sallow it" she did as she was told then I pull up. Push her up against the got down on my knees put one of her legs over my shoulder and sucking and licking the living daylight out of her." Daddy daddy am am cumming"." Cum on daddy's face" she did and continue bathing after that we got dress and she says" daddy I get you something for your birthday and if you open before I will cut off you dick"." No now how am I gonna push my dick deep inside of you if I don't have one" she laughed" you should've seen your face little while daddy anyway look a gift from me to you, I love you Mr. Raymond "." Thanks Mrs. Raymond and I love you too" I said. "Oh one gift from Kenesha to you daddy". She said" awww thanks my little princess ". I kiss her forehead" where is my kiss daddy"?" Baby girl sound like you are jealous" she didn't say anything she jus walk away. I grab her and kiss hard saying " no need to be jealous I have my two favorite girls. And you are my queen and need to be treated like one, I love you my Queen"." And I love you my King". We kissed and I press my forehead against her and hug her.

I will be updating this book everyday. Keep reading I love y'all. Be safe wash your hands, stay inside, if going out make sure you wear your mask and your gloves, keep your hands away from your face. Also sanitized often. Stay safe God love you guys as much he love me.

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