~Chapter 12~

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You made your way to the living room and saw Yoongi talking to Chan. You caught Chan's eye so he waved at you making Yoongi turn his attention to you. "Come here Y/n." said Yoongi in a serious voice. You quickly sat down across from them and asked, "Yuna said it was my turn...right?" "Yes, now Yoongi would you mind leaving for a moment." "Certainly, call me if you need something." "Thank you." Yoongi then went up to his room. You turned your eyes to Chan and watched him bring out a notepad and pen from his pocket. "So Y/n, does Yuna have any enemies? Someone that doesn't like her perhaps?" "No..not at all, I've met her friends before transferring to the school and they all seem chill." He started writing down something but you couldn't see it. "Does anyone seem suspicious to you?" "No, I don't know who would want to hurt her. I mean yeah we've both gotten into some sort of fight with someone. We always back each other up you know."

He paused for a moment but started talking again. "I see..do you remember anyone that seemed different from those you've fought before? Like did they have a hatred towards the both of you." "Well..Yuna hasn't fought this person before but I have." "Go on.." "Well it's a group actually. They're just a bunch of spoiled brats that think they're better than everyone." "What are their names?" "Irene, Yeri, Joy, Sulgi, and that bitch Wendy." He looked up at you with a straight face. "Why is this 'Wendy' a bitch exactly?" "Oh, sorry for the strong language." He chuckled and smiled. "It's alright, your brother was worse in highschool." "Oh?" "Yeah..anyways can you answer the question." "Yeah, so she used to date Jimin but she cheated on him. Now she's jealous that we're together. She's come up to me and 'challenged' me to fight her." "How did that turn out?" "First of all she swung first. Second of all I tried fixing her face but I couldn't help her."

He chuckled a bit then replied, "Ok I think that's enough questions for now." "Thank you again." "It's my pleasure, I'm going to head down to the precinct to file this, call me if you remember anything." He handed you his card and you took it. "Let me get Yoongi." You quickly rushed up the stairs and knocked on Yoongi's door. "Oppa say bye to Chan." Instead of Yoongi opening the door you saw Jiseok. "Oh hi Unnie, where's Yoongi-Oppa?" "He's getting changed for our date, let me get him." "Ok." She closed the door and soon enough Yoongi made his way out of the room with Jiseok behind him. You all went down to say goodbye to Chan. "Jiseok? I didn't know you were here." "Hey Chan, how have you been?" "I'm doing well." "Did Yoongi not tell you?" "Tell me what?"

Chan's confused face made you giggle. He then turned his attention towards Yoongi, finally realizing what Jiseok meant. He then slapped Yoongi on his arm and said, "Yoongi how damn long have we been friends?! Aigo..you owe me a nice dinner, both of you!" You all started laughing. "I think it's time for you to leave." Chan let out one last chuckle and hugged Yoongi and Jiseok. "I'm happy for you two, I really am." He released from the hug and went to the door being followed by the three of you. 'Bye Chan!' was the last thing you all said before he waved goodbye and drove off.

Jiseok then pinched Yoongi's cheek, "Why didn't you tell him! You said you already did!" "I'm sorry I've been busy." She rolled her eyes and walked back up stairs. You just stared at him watching her go upstairs. "What..?"  "Are you kidding me? You're always busy. You need to take her out soon." "I think that's a good idea. It's been a while since we've had an actual date." "Take her out tomorrow! Cancel all your plans and make it a day for the both of you." "You're right, don't even think of coming to my room anytime soon."

You both went to your own rooms. You opened the door to see all of them watching tv. "What do you guys want to do now?" Namjoon was the first to say something, "We need to get going, our parents are coming back from a business trip." Taehyung, Hoseok, and Yuna said they had to work on a group assignment. "Oh well, see you guys tomorrow." You all went downstairs and said your goodbyes. You were saying bye to Jimin, he then asked, "When should I pick you up?" "Maybe in an hour." "Hm, ok I'll see you." "See you later." He winked at you and walked to his car.

~ Time Skip Jimin's P.O.V. ~

I went over to my bathroom and sprayed cologne as a finale touch to my outfit. I walked out of my room to find our maid Jane. I texted her a while ago to pick up flowers for Y/n. "Jane-Noona where did you put the flowers?" "I placed them in the kitchen, my how mature have you gotten, you looked so handsome." "Thank you Noona." I went to the kitchen and saw the flowers placed on the counter top. "Where do you think you're going?" I heard a deep voice behind me, when I turned around I saw my father. "Oh hey dad! I'm going on a date with my girlfriend.Why?" "How many girlfriends does that make now? Three? Four?" "Hey it's not my fault that I'm attractive." He let out a sigh and slapped me playfully. "You're just like your old man. At least say hi to your mother before you leave." "Ok, where is she?" "In the living room with Jungkook."

I stepped out of the kitchen heading to the living room. "Hey mom, how was your trip?" She turned around and stood up to give me a hug. "It was great honey-, where's my kiss? Also where do you think you're going dressed like that." I rolled my eyes and kissed her on the cheek. "Why are you and dad so nosy. I'm going on a date with my girlfriend." "Another one? Please tell me she isn't like the others." I smiled cheekily thinking about Y/n. "No she's very different, now I think I should be going before I'm late." I started walking to the door and opened it, but before I could close it my mom placed her foot in between it. "What's even her name?" "Y/n... Now I'll be going now bye!" I ran to my car and got in as fast as I could and drove to Y/n's house.

~ Y/n's P.O.V. ~

I just finished spraying a bit of perfume on myself and looked in my vanity mirror.
(This is what you're wearing)

You heard the doorbell ring, but before you went downstairs you yelled at Yoongi's room from down the hallway, "OPPA I'M GOING ON A DATE WITH JIMIN!" He opened the door and scanned your clothes to see if your outfit was appropriate

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You heard the doorbell ring, but before you went downstairs you yelled at Yoongi's room from down the hallway, "OPPA I'M GOING ON A DATE WITH JIMIN!" He opened the door and scanned your clothes to see if your outfit was appropriate. "Ok don't be home late." You ran down the stairs and opened the door to see him. "Hey baby," He came closer and kissed you, "these are for you." He handed you a small bouquet of brunnera flowers. "Thank you Jimin that's so sweet, lets go." You held hands till you got to his car and drove to the restaurant.

To Be Continued...
A/N: I had to make this chapter short or else it would've taken forever to read😊I'm so sorry I took forever to publish this (;'༎ຶٹ༎ຶ') Something was weird and I couldn't publish it. Sorry again for the long wait- thank you so much for reading my story🤧💙

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