Chapter One: The Start

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  Nothing could ever quite compare to Euphemia Potter's hugs. They left a warm feeling deep in Violets stomach that not even the very best butterbeer could compare to, filled with such colossal care and radiating pure love. In saying that however, Euphemia's 1st of September hugs were something Violet dreaded each year. Despite James' belief that she's purely a hypochondriac, she insisted that one time she heard her ribs crack due to the sheer force of the older woman's love and sadness that the pair were off again, this time for their fifth year.

After 3rd year, the brunette stopped feeling utterly devastated that her father wasn't present on the first of the ninth month to wave her good bye as she boarded the scarlet steam train, but a part of her still had hope as she peered out the window that he'd be there having rushed from his job to see her once last time before the school year commenced. Needless to say as the clock chimed eleven and she could feel the slight jolt of the train taking off, she felt rather silly for even entertaining such a wild thought.

Retreating to the compartment she knew had "J.P S.B P.P R.L & V.H" etched into the wall with the bespectacled boy on her tail, any trace of melancholy disappeared as Violet cracked a grin at the three boys already settled in, both long limbs and short covering all surface area. The boy with a face littered with scars was the first to jump to his feet, having to bend down to wrap his arms around Violets waist. Burying her head into the crook of his neck and waving at the boys she knew stood behind him, Violet laughed in a rather unladylike fashion before prying the lanky boy off her to speak.

"Merlin Remus it's been a few weeks and you act like we haven't seen each other for 12 years"

"Yeah let her go mate, gotta share the love" laughed Sirius before pushing past the taller boy, picking up the curly haired brunette and spinning her around like he had done since she was merely 11 years old.

"And what am I? A cheese toastie?" James cried still half out the door unable to enter the compartment due to the love being showered upon his childhood best friend.

"Trust me mate, if you were a cheese toastie I would've been off my feet at the first sight of you" chuckled Peter remaining seated, earning a joking glare from James who didn't appear too menacing as he attempted to wriggle past the still standing pair before finally managing to collapse in the seat to the right of Peter.

Clearing his throat at the still hugging duo in the cabin, Remus watched on as Violet pulled away only to remove his stretched out legs from the bench to claim the window seat to the left of him.

"So how was everyone's summer?"

Peter grinned and immediately took to the conversation.

"I for one met a muggle girl at a coffee shop, and let's just say there's only one v card left in this compartment now"

The remaining four shared skeptical looks before the boy exclaimed with a string of protests including "it's true!" and "I solemnly swear, her name was Julia". Giving in and believing the boy, James giving him a clap on the back for good measure to accompany the congratulations around the small room. Remus on the other hand did not look too impressed that his virginity was called into the conversation again, mumbling about wanting to wait for the right girl.

"I came this close to getting my name burnt off that tree of incest when I decided to bring up house elf rights" Sirius chuckled whilst bringing his thumb and pointer finger together. The others offered him sheepish smiles in return, all very aware that no matter his efforts to portray the events in a light hearted manner, the handsome boy still ached at the thought of his broken home. Violet then smiled in Remus' direction, which he took as his turn to speak.

"All I did was read to be honest". He looked quite content with his answer, however received a string of "boos" and "you're such a grandpa" in return from the trio of boys opposite him.

"Obviously" James announced rather obnoxiously, "Sunny and my summer trumps all of yours".

Violet grimaced a little at the nickname which had stuck since they were little. It was no secret that the girl could easily be wound up into a foul mood, and James being the annoying git he was even at the age of five got around to calling her "his little ray of sunshine", always only angering her more. Ignoring this, the blue eyed beauty laughed along as James retold the adventures they had undertaken, from cliff jumping at the quarry to one on one quidditch matches, not noticing the pair of eyes trained on her smiling features as she listened to James' dramatisation of the summer the neighbours shared.

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After witnessing James projectile grapes into Peters mouth causing the boy to choke one too many times, Violet decided it was more than definitely time to approach her superior friends in the field of maturity, Lily, Marlene, and Mary.

"Later loses" Violet said saluting the boys while rising from her seat and walking off without further explanation to accompany her roommates of the past four years.

"Would you cut out the starring and lost puppy eyes" Sirius laughed while nudging the boy beside him with his elbow.

"Mate at this rate I'm starting to think it'll be easier if we just told her for you" added Peter, earning a glare from Remus who muttered a rather crude remark to the pair of his teasing friends.

"I will admit though, she got bloody fit over the summer", the statement earning a slightly harsher nudge from Remus and a bread roll chucked at him from James. This didn't stop all the boys from turning to Violet's direction, tilting their heads and taking in her slightly sun kissed skin and obviously matured body despite the many layers of uniform covering her.

"Just out of pure curiosity, why are the boys staring at you like you've grown another head" questioned Marlene with a smirk, clearly amused by the groups peculiar antics. Spinning her head around and giving the group a questioning look was enough for them to quickly glance away, acting as thought they had been in a deep conversation the entire time rather than openly starring.

"Honestly I leave them for five minutes and they can't handle my absence" Violet mused flicking her braid over her shoulder to add flare to her statement, earning a laugh from all the girls.

With full stomachs and sore cheeks from smiling as the feast came to an end, Mary, Marlene, and Violet clambered up the many stairs to Gryffindor tower leaving Lily to her prefect duties for the night. 

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