Chapter Four: The Anniversary

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Waking up and rolling out of bed on the 30th of September, James potter did not expect to be knee deep in rose petals. Nor did he expect pink, sparkling clouds from the ceiling resulting in even more petals floating to the accumulating pile on the floor. Remus having always been the early riser of the group simply grinned at James while digging through the pile at the end of his bed and retrieving a pair of perfectly folded woollen socks.

"You helped her didn't you" James cried out, pointing an accusing finger at the now chuckling boy across the room.

"I don't know what you're talking about, something the matter James"?

"Oh come off it Rem you and I both know Violet's shit at charms, you're supposed to be on my side" the boy pretended to wail, disappointed that even at 7:30 Violet had already out done him.

Not letting his grin slip, Remus turned to James and asked if he was coming to breakfast, which the boy declined saying he had to prepare while rubbing his hands together like the villain in a muggle movie. Shaking his head in amusement, Remus ducked out the portrait hole hoping to catch Violet at breakfast to tell her all about James' reaction, because he knew it would make her laugh. And he wanted to be the one to make her throw her head back in amusement, causing the sparkle in her eyes and the scrunch in her nose.

So lost in tracing the constellations between her freckles in his mind, when turning the corner Remus didn't notice the curly haired girl sprinting through the corridors until she was on top of him. Literally. Smacking into him at full force the pair tumbled to the ground until Violet was pressed flush on top of him, and upon realising it was him she began to laugh apologising profusely. Remus couldn't bring himself to focus on her words, too distracted by the fact that she hadn't moved and their closeness was overwhelming. He noticed a slight spot of Jam to the left of her mouth and realised she was clearly returning from breakfast, and before his mind even registered what he was doing Remus lifted a hand to her face and brushed it off with his thumb.

This seemed to wake Violet from her momentary loss of grip on reality and she jumped off of the boy, stepping a few feet back as though he had given her an electric shock. Remus didn't quite know what to do, so just stared at the ground, his hand rubbing the back of his neck and a face entirely beet red, clearly surprised by his own actions.

"I should uh-"

"yeah you should um-"

"Okay bye Remus" Violet rushed, smacking herself in the forehead as she continued the trek to Gryffindor tower, wondering what on earth just happened.

✵✵ ✵ ✵ ✵

James sat in his usual class in transfiguration, a broad, toothy smile etched on his face as Mcgonagall glared him down. While to everyone else in the room she looked rather unimpressed with the boy in front of her dressed in a muggle suit with a black hair ribbon around his neck and a pink cloud still following him showering him in rose petals, the four boys knew by the slight rise of her mouth on the right side meant that she was doing her best to suppress her grin.

"And where would the fifth of you marauders happen to be" the older witch questioned, concerned this might become even further out of hand.

"Right here professor" Violet huffed, entering the classroom with a great deal of struggle.

The great struggle coming from the fact that she was wearing a wedding gown fit for a princess, pulling in at the waist and flowing out elegantly almost to the floor, yet the tips of her black beat up converse were still visible, peaking out from under the dress. Her usually unruly hair was braided down her back and a large grin accompanied the unusually extravagant makeup she had donned. James looked livid to say the least, clearly thinking he was at least going to outdo her on his appearance. Violet clearly thought the same, and the pair stuck their tongues out at each other like the three year olds they are.

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