Chapter Eleven: The Three Broomsticks

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Violet quickly came to the conclusion that the reason she was so upset was due to the fact that despite being best friends, Remus had failed to express to her that he had any interest in Dorcas Meadows. And that was something best friends did, talk about their crushes and feelings. Hell, James did it all the bloody time about Lily. But within twenty four hours and ignoring a scoff from Sirius behind them, Violet and Remus went back to how they always had been, best friends, and Dorcas was let down gently before hitting Remus with the classic "it hurts, but I understand".

Sirius, Peter, and especially James however were not impressed as they tugged on beanies and knitted scarfs in a rush to get ready for Hogsmeade, whilst early birds Violet and Remus awaited them in the common room.

"Mate I'm sorry I know she's practically your sister, but she's as daft as a bloody troll" Peter's voice came muffled from under his bed as he searched for his missing shoe, earning an eye roll from James in response.

"Normally I'd kick him for saying something like that about Vi but he's kind of got a point, she's just being ridiculous at this point" Sirius added as he chucked his comb down on the bedside table, giving James an expectant look. After all, he did know Violet best.

"I don't know guys, I'm beginning to get the feeling that maybe she just isn't ever going to feel the same way Moony does". But neither Sirius or Peter were looking at James, instead behind him at the door. Turning around to meet their eye line, James came face to face with a crestfallen Remus, one hand loosely gripping the door handle and the other wiping what looked suspiciously like a stray tear.

"Moony I'm sorry I di-"

"I was just coming to tell you to hurry up, we're getting bored" Remus cut James' explanation off, and with the slam of the door, the three remaining boys finished getting ready in silence.


"Wait a minute let me get this straight, you want me to hold that in my mouth for an entire month?"

"Yeah pretty much" James answered, tucking the vial of four mandrake leaves back into his coat pocket.

"Huh, alright then. Cool" And with that, it was officially decided that that night after years of research, Violet, Peter, Sirius, and James would all begin the process of becoming animagi, the month of having a leaf in their mouths coming to a close when they all met up at James' for Christmas.

"You guys are ridiculous, butterbeer on me" Remus chuckled with a grin, a slight glint in his eye that only those closest to him would recognise as fear for what was to come of his friends.

The group of five waltzed into the three broomsticks in typical marauder fashion, loudly and obnoxiously. Of course Remus' offer to pay for their drinks was in vein as one wink from Sirius left madame Rosmerta scurrying to get the group free butterbeers, and the troublemakers made their way to an empty booth in the back corner of the tavern.

Violet found herself slid between Sirius and Remus, and despite there being more than enough space for the trio to sit comfortably the witch couldn't help but notice Sirius nudging her into Remus' side.

"So Remus, how come you're not into Dorcas? We though brunettes were your type" Peter giggled, but soon after a yelp escaped his lips when a foot collided with his shin under the table. Violet stared at the boys around her, three burning holes into the eyes of the fourth. Normally she would brush off their peculiarities, but something about this topic in particular had her intrigued, and the young witch instinctively tugged on one of her own dark locks.

"You can't have a type if you've never fancied anyone before Pete" Violet mumbled with a roll of her eyes, but immediately regretted her statement when three grins to rival the devil were shot her way.

"Oh Vi bless your stupid little ass, he's a teenage boy who we happen to share a dorm with, we know all too well that he fancies someone" Sirius smirked, enticing a 'gross' and a shiver from James. At this Remus had enough, and stomped as hard as he could on Sirius' foot, who choked mid-sip of butterbeer.

"Ignore them Vi they're just being pricks like always" Remus chuckled, but Violet didn't fail to notice him biting his right thumb, a telltale sign since they were eleven that the Lupin boy was nervous. The trio of conniving boys grins only deepened when Remus took an overenthusiastic sip of butterbeer in an attempt to feign confidence, resulting in a foam moustache. But to him, there was no one else in the room as Violet looked up at him with a sparkle in her wide eyes.

"You've got a little something there Rem" she whispered as she raised her thumb to his upper lip, refusing to break eye contact as if they were the only pair in the world. Her stomach felt awfully funny, but the Hayes girl figured it was just hunger, after all she hadn't eaten since breakfast.

"Oi Hayes!" An unfamiliar voice across the pub shouted, snapping the pair out of their daze and causing the remaining trio to glare as the moment they had planned was stomped on. With cheeks of scarlet, Violet peered over and recognised the boy who called out to her as a sixth year Hufflepuff who she vaguely recalled gave Charlie a thumbs up at Sirius' party the other week when they ducked out of the portrait hole. The boy began to stride over, but Charlie could be seen stumbling out of a booth behind him, gripping the Hufflepuffs arm in one hand and brushing back his golden curls with the other with a laugh. After a brief conversation, the Hufflepuff returned to his seat and Charlie jogged over to where the Marauders sat expectantly, or in Remus' case, furiously.

"Sorry about Devin you lot, I told him to leave you alone but I guess that's what I get for talking about you all week" Charlie laughed, aiming his last sentence at Violet and enticing a blush. If the young witch hadn't been so taken aback and flattered, perhaps she would have noticed the increased testosterone and glares of her friends around her, yet she remained painfully oblivious.

"Sorry again, I'll leave you be" Charlie stated with a cheeky grin when he didn't get a response and began to walk off, but after a few steps he turned back abruptly.

"Oh and Vi? Don't worry about giving the jumper back, blue is definitely your colour" and with a final wink, Charlie returned to his friends.

Even Violet seemed surprised at this, not having registered this morning as she hunted for a warm jumper that the one she grabbed was the same one Charlie had lent her during their late night chat at the astronomy tower. With a glare at the fabric covering her chest and a burning at the back of his eyes, Remus jumped to his feet and tore out the door, not even bothering to grab his jacket which rested on a wall hook nearby leaving a confused Violet and three apologetic boys in his wake to finish planning their Christmas at Godrics Hollow without their fifth member. 

Halcyon // R.J.LNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ