Chapter Five: The Lake

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To say Remus Lupin was stressed would be an understatement. His hair was a mess from constantly running his fingers through it, and he could not stop pacing the boys dorm, subsequently causing the other three boys to get rather annoyed.

"Mate, her birthday is still a month away relax okay?"

"See if James isn't stressed you shouldn't be either, she's bloody easy to buy for cause she's too nice to say if she doesn't like something"

Remus shot Sirius a glare at his last comment, before flopping onto his bed in exasperation.

"Oi I have an idea mate" came Peter's voice from the boys bathroom before he flung the door open, resting his arm on the frame.

"Tell her you're in love with her, having Remus love you is the only gift anyone could ever need" Peter pretended to swoon and bat his eyelashes, earning a pillow thrown directly in his face from said boy and laughs from the pair in the corner.

"But for real though, that's not a bad idea" James said slowly, as if trying to ease the idea into Remus' mind in fear he'd get mad.

"Oh yeah a ruined friendship, the best birthday anyone could ask for" Remus shot back, now visibly panicking as he tugged tighter on the ends of his hair. At that moment, Violet burst through the door.

"What are you lot on about" the girl questioned, a woven basket clutched in one hand and a book in the other.

"Just about Remus' crush" Sirius smirked, this time getting pillows thrown at him from all three of his roommates.

"oh okay, cool". Violet couldn't quite understand why her gut suddenly twisted and she had the urge to back out of the room, but she shoved the feeling back deep down.

"Well I'm going for a picnic down by the lake with the girls if you guys wanted to come, and yes James, your 'precious Lily flower' will be there" Violet added as she could already see the eagerness in James' eyes to ask, albeit with a hint of sarcasm.

The boys all agreed, Sirius grumbling momentarily about how he'll lose his rep as the bad boy if anyone sees him having a dainty picnic, but they all knew he was trying to hide his happiness as a picnic was never something he experienced as a child. The other girls were already down by 'their' tree knee deep in the water and skipping stones when the group of five arrived. Sirius, James, and Peter were quick to shed their shoes and roll up their jeans to go splash the girls, getting shrieks in return as a water fight ensued.

Violet merely laughed at her friends antics, one arm holding the basket and the other looped through Remus'.

"What do you say we annihilate them all" Violet leant up and whispered in his ear sending shivers down his spine and causing heat to rise in his cheeks. Violet wiggled her eyebrows cheekily before pulling her arm from his and pulling her wand out of her back pocket.

"Sounds good" the boy breathed out whilst trying to steady his heartbeat.

"Auguamenti". Uproar ensued as those in the lake who had managed to stay at least partially dry were now soaked to the bone. Sharing looks between them the six in the water silently called a truce, and ran to grab the two by the bank and promptly chucking them in the water. When they emerged Violet couldn't help but grin as Mary and Peter high fived, Sirius picked up Marlene by the waist and threw her back in the water too, and Lily did her best to not openly goggle at James whose white shirt had soaked through leaving little to the imagination. In that moment, everything felt so perfect. So pure.

Once everyone had sufficiently dried off naturally as Sirius claimed they should 'take advantage of the sun while it's here rather than use magic' and ate an abundance of fruit, Lily, Marlene, and Mary decided to head back to the tower to study, despite the boys teasing them for studying on a weekend.

Violet opted to stay with the boys and grabbed her book before crawling between Remus' legs, leaning her back on his chest and opening to her bookmarked page unaware of the panic the action caused around her. Remus looked shocked to say the least, Peter with a similar expression, but James and Sirius gave him a thumbs up mouthing that he should act natural, at least he was pretty sure that's what they were trying to say.

It was something they had done since second year and was always seen as friendly in Violets eyes. She always held the book slightly to the left and he would read over her shoulder, touching his chin on her head to let her know he was ready for her to flip the page. Upon realising they were rereading one of Violets favourites therefore being one of Remus' favourites, he started to settle back into their old ways and his nerves started to slip away. He was just a boy, she was just a girl, sitting together reading Anne of Green Gables on a warm afternoon.

It was then that Remus decided it was time to put his feelings in check, because losing the girl bellow him was a risk he couldn't take.

A.N // I know there's no real purpose to this chapter, but I just really want to explore the fun and light hearted moment they share. While I adore some jealousy and angst, writing only about Remus' furry little problem and the war on the horizon isn't my cup of tea so sorry if you're after that, but I'm not gonna put too much emphasis on it because they all deserve happiness and love :((

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