Chapter Thirteen: The Mistletoe Incident

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 "You know Rem, you should write a book". Remus looked up from the page he had been re-reading for the past five minutes to look the brunette girl in the eyes. The pair sat surrounded by blankets in the bay window, backs against the wall and legs intertwined with half empty steaming mugs of hog chocolate rested upon stacks of books acting as a makeshift coffee table.

"Ha ha very funny Vi, me, a writer?" Every part of the Lupin boy begged to stare at the way her leg rested between his, knees colliding with only a few layers of fabric between them. After all, that's what had been distracting him in his feeble attempts to read the book which now rested beside him.

"I'm serious- don't even bother making a joke- and don't try and tell me you're not a good writer because you know Sirius showed us your diary in third year" Violet chuckled, looking up into the eyes of the boys across her and shivering at their intensity.

"It wasn't a diary Vi that sounds so girly, and what would I even write about?" Remus blushed at the eye contact and instinctively leant forward to brush a stray curl out of the Hayes girls face.

"Okay I'm sorry, a journal, is that manly enough"? Violet laughed again before continuing on.

"And I don't know Rem, write about us" The young witch could no longer contain her blush and quickly began to acknowledge their close proximity, of course they had been even closer than this before, but something felt different this time, almost intimate.

"Us"? The boy repeated in a whisper, but Violet payed no mind to his comment, too distracted by the ever closing distance between them. What was happening? This was her best friend, and all of a sudden they were so close she could feel his breath on her cheek. Subconsciously her hand rose to cup his cheek and there was merely a centimetre left between their lips when the bang of the doors could be heard, and the duo immediately jumped apart, Remus accidentally smacking his drink and spilling the scalding liquid down his thigh.

"Merlins balls that's freaking hot" Remus all but screamed, earning a laugh from the three boys who strode into the room who were blissfully unaware of the moment they just ruined. Needless to say, Remus wasn't just furious about his now blistering thigh.

"James get Minka to bring ice"! Violet demanded, knowing all too well the pain he was in due to having spilt many hot chocolates on herself in her childhood. Of course if they had been at Hogwarts a simple conjuring spell would have them sorted, but all the Marauders were still well underage.

"Rem take your pants off". A wolf-whistle from Sirius left both Remus and Violet blushing, the latter immediately stumbling to explain herself.

"I just- well I meant because- you know so we can see how bad it- you know what I'm leaving, you boys sort this out" and with that Violet all but ran out of the Hayes Manor library.


Back at the Potter house, Fleamont was ecstatic to have set up charmed mistletoe which didn't allow the pair under it to move until they had shared a kiss. Of course with teens in the house a peck on the cheek would break the charm, but he felt rather giddy about it none the less and immediately yanked Euphemia away from her cooking to test it out.

Not long after the teens returned from Hayes Manor, pink faced from the cold outside. The group of five laughed at one of Peter's scarily accurate impressions of Slughorn, until Violet found herself stuck to the floor as though she had walked into a pile of spell-o-tape. Groaning knowing exactly what had occurred, the young witch looked above her to confirm her suspicions, and began to feel rather giddy knowing she had been walking side by side with Remus the whole way back to the Potter's home. However instead of being met with a scar-littered chin at her eye line, stormy grey eyes met hers instead.

Sirius having been in on Fleamont's plan with James smacked his head with his palm at his stupidity. The plan had been for Remus and Violet to get caught under it and the others to walk away without letting them know that a simple kiss on the cheek would break the charm, but he had been so excited about Euphemia's Christmas cookies that he pushed past Remus at the last second. All eyes quickly turned to Remus, who had made it to the base of the stairs before realising what had occurred. After flickering his eyes between Violet, the mistletoe, and then Sirius, the werewolf simply gulped and brought his hand to his mouth, biting down on his thumb.

While Violet turned to tell Sirius she would rather stand in place for the rest of her life than kiss him, Sirius' idea had been to quickly kiss her on the cheek and get the whole thing over with, resulting in the pairs lips crashing together. Violet's thoughts flashed back to when she was five years old and kissing James under their tree, and couldn't help but giggle at the ridiculousness of what just happened, and how she'd accidentally kissed someone she registered long ago as a brother.

But as the rest of the boys joined in her laughter at the absurdity of what just unfolded, Remus for what felt like the millionth time in the past few months felt tears prick at the back of his eyes, and turned on his heel to take the stairs three at a time, slamming James' bedroom door behind him. The laughter quickly died down, and the remaining four stared at each other in silence, three with knowing looks and one in confusion.

It was as though all of his worst nightmares were coming to life. Sure, seeing Violet up close and personal with a sixth year wasn't fun but witnessing her kiss his best mate who he'd always been inclined to feel inadequate to? Even if it was just an accidental peck, that hurt like a bitch.

After many profuse apologies, explanations and the painful promise of his share of Christmas cookies from Sirius as well as multiple pep talks and supposedly comforting pats on the back from James and Peter, Remus was more or less back to himself in time for Christmas morning. Tip-toeing past the still sleeping bodies in James' room Remus found himself in the kitchen, scouring the cupboards for mugs and tea bags.

"You sit sweetheart I'll get you a cuppa" came the comforting voice of Euphemia Potter from the kitchen door, and Remus found himself instantly obliging to her soothing tone, resting his chin in his palm as his elbow leant on the warm wood of the Potter's kitchen table.

"Merry Christmas Mia" the young boy smiled at the woman who non-verbally put the kettle on the stove with the swish of her wand.

"And to you also Remus, now tell me, how are you and Violet"? At this Remus immediately felt the heat spread up his neck and flood his face, causing him to grip the back of his neck and choke slightly on his own spit.

"What do- I mean we're not like- you don't mean as in- we're not together if that's what you mean" the wizard finally got out, to which Euphemia raised a knowing brow.

"Oh? I'm sorry dear I just assumed from the way she spoke about you over summer and well we all saw what happened with the mistletoe yesterday". At this, the werewolf sunk further into his seat and fully covered his face with his hands. Of course the parents were watching his dramatic exit. He could have sworn he hear her mutter 'thank goodness it hasn't happened yet' under her breath, but decided to let it slide as a figment of his imagination.

"Well I suppose if it were up to you, things would be different wouldn't they dearie"? Euphemia proceeded to reach across the table and grip Remus' hand in her own, patting it lightly in a comforting motion. Had it been anyone else, the hopelessly in love teenager would have been thoroughly embarrassed to endure this conversation. But that Christmas morning as everyone else remained fast asleep, Remus found himself pouring his heart out to Euphemia Potter at the girl she all but raised. 

A.N// Euphemia totally called it, and ahhhhh so close to Vemus? Riolet? Moment but my deepest apologies, I can't resist a good slow burn. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2020 ⏰

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