Chapter Eight: The Anti-Party-Planning-Committee

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Waking up to four girls obnoxiously singing a rather unique rendition of happy birthday, Violet couldn't be happier. Okay, maybe she could've gone without the headache that came along with their squawking but that was besides the point.

Things were slowly easing back into normality and Marlene was finally able to look at the curly haired witch again without feeling bile rise in her throat from guilt at what had recently happened, and while all her friends were worried that whatever had happened may occur again, mainly they were just happy to know Violet was okay.

"Oh I love you girls, thank you" she exclaimed, throwing her arms around Mary's neck as Lily, Marlene, and Alice sat further down and out of immediate reach.

"I hate to be the bearer of bad news this early on your birthday, but I thought you should know Sirius has invited pretty much every fifth year and above in the school to the common room tonight for a party" Mary squeaked into Violets hair as the pair continued to embrace.

Now Violet Hayes did not necessarily have a vendetta against parties. In fact, some parties she found to be extremely enjoyable. But having been through a lot already in the two short months they had been back at school, a birthday party specifically for her was the last thing she wanted and the brunette felt herself slightly agitated at the boys for not considering this. Especially Remus. It was rather typical of Sirius to want to throw a party and of Peter and James to go along with it, but Violet figured Remus would have known her well enough to convince the boys to call it off. Of course James knew her well enough for that too, but he had no self control when it came to turning down a party so she didn't expect too much there.

"Ugh boys, let's start my day off with just us girls yeah"? Violet questioned, and received a bunch of grins in return.

"Thank Merlin Vi we've missed you, it feels like we've barely seen you this year, you're not even here when we go to bed at night"

"That's probably cause she's been spending her nights with Remus" Alice quipped back to Mary, shooting a wink in Violets direction causing the girl in questions face to heat up a considerable amount.

"Where could you have possibly gotten that idea from, you know he's my best mate Al".

"Oh please we all know James is your best mate for some unexplainable reason, and you treat them entirely differently from each other" Lily chimed in.

Violet couldn't quite understand why, but the conversation had left her flustered and slightly shaky so being the mature young woman she was, she stuck out her tongue and strode to the bathroom, calling out over her shoulder before the door slammed.

"You girls better clear your schedules for the day, cause we have some party un-planning to get done".

✵✵ ✵ ✵ ✵

Convincing people that a party was not in fact occurring deemed to be much easier said than done, as it took all morning for the Hufflepuffs and some of the bearable Slytherins to finally agree not to join them at Gryffindor tower that evening. None the less they succeeded, and only the Ravenclaws were left to inform.

Clambering up the many, many stairs from the dungeons, the group of five girls paused in front of the bronze eagle knocker.

"When you need me, you throw me away. When you don't need me, you bring me back. What am I"?

"Sounds a bit like you and Sirius if you ask me Marls"

"Oh piss off" Marlene rolled her eyes, but a smile was itching its way onto her features.

"Incorrect" the door knob spoke, before returning to stillness once more.

"Hey that's not fair I was making a joke!" Violet huffed, crossing her arms over her chest with a frown on her face.

"That's cute Hayes, but I think the answer you're looking for is an Anchor" came a deep voice behind the group, causing the girls to whip their heads around at the same time the door sprung open. The combination of the opening door and Violet's lack of attention resulted in the girl sprawled across the floor, her friends failing miserably at attempting to stifle their laughter as she had just made a fool of herself in front of one of the most handsome boys at Hogwarts, and a sixth year at that; Charlie Barnes.

"Shouldn't you be back at Gryffindor tower getting everything ready for you party"? Charlie questioned, outstretching a hand for Violet to grip, brushing his golden locks out of his eyes with his spare hand.

"What does my party concern a sixth year like yourself" Violet questioned, cocking her head to the side in genuine curiosity as she was pulled to her feet. Charlie grabbed the back of his neck with his left hand and cast his emerald eyes at the floor, strikingly similar to Remus when he gets nervous the witch noted.

"Well uh, you know when the birthday girl is someone whose caught your eye-" The elder Ravenclaw cleared his throat and shook his head slightly appearing to be embarrassed, a rare sight for one of the most sought after boys in school.

"- You tend to pay a little more attention". If Violet hadn't been blushing before, she most definitely was now. Alice and Mary being the utter romantics they were giggled beside her, however Marlene couldn't help but snicker with Lily raising a ginger brow at the boys choice of words.

"Well would you consider doing the girl that's caught your eye a favour and telling everyone the parties off"? Violet questioned, tossing her hair over her shoulder as she looked up at Charlie beneath her lashes, batting them ever so slightly. Violet Hayes was not typically one to flirt, so her request left the girls surrounding her baffled to say the least. She simply had an air to her that people found enchanting, infatuating. Even a healthy portion of the female population often found themselves fantasising about Miss Hayes and a broom closet without her even having to glance in their direction, but of course she was too daft to realise this let alone take action regarding it.

"Yeah I think I can manage that, I've got to say though I'm pretty disappointed. I was looking forward to spending a night getting to know you- not like that though- uh- Merlins beard this is not going to plan- of course I'll do that for you Violet" Charlie stuttered, quickly losing his laid back and charming aura at his accidental innuendo.

"Thanks Charlie, I really appreciate it. And you can just can me Vi if you'd like, it's a bit less of a mouthful". At this Charlie grinned and pushed past the girls to enter the Ravenclaw dorm, but before he ducked out of sight the young wizard turned back and leant against the door frame.

"By the way, Happy Birthday Vi".

A.N// I just realised how huge this chapter was so I've split it in two :))

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