Chapter Six: The Tryouts

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Dressed with a number 12 on her back, Violet nervously picked at her toast. Out of the four of her friends trying out for the quidditch team, the witch in question was the only one truly nervous, the other 'cocky shits' as Remus put it simply grinning and chatting away about the latest models of brooms.

"Stop shaking your leg babe, we all know you've got this in the bag, you're the best chaser in the whole school" Marlene clapped Violet on the back and Violet blushed in thanks, but James didn't seem too fond of the comment.

"Excuse you Marls, stop kidding yourselves. Sunny wishes she was as good as me" James shot sarcastically, sending a cheeky wink Lily's way.

"Clearly you've taken a few too many bludgers to the head", Violet mumbled cracking a small smile, but a smile none the less. Lily snorted in an extremely unladylike fashion, only causing more laughter to erupt from the table.

While not exactly a conventional way of support, Violet loved the way her friends cheered her up. No pep talks or sympathetic looks, just sarcasm and firing off the first savage remark that comes to mind. Her shoulders finally dropped from their tense position, Sirius beside her leaning in to whisper in her ear.

"But for real, you are the best chaser in the school".

"Don't tell James I said that" he added as an after thought, giving her a cheeky wink that she swore made a girl behind her choke on her pumpkin juice. Of course this interaction bothered Remus and he felt the urge to throw up at the sight not knowing what the pair were discussing, but he knew he couldn't say anything. Sirius was like that with everyone, even the boys, and him and Violet were good friends so he couldn't bring it up without sounding like a possessive freak. With that Remus swallowed more pumpkin juice, trying to swallow with it his feelings for Violet which he swore to himself only a few days ago he would try and drop.

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Peter, Lily and Remus sat in the stands looking on as Marlene, James, Sirius, and Violet began warm ups. Coming into winter it was freezing cold, but only Lily had been smart enough to bring a blanket to wrap around her small form blocking at least a little of the wind. Peter to the left of her had brought down a hot chocolate which he continuously put a heating charm on to keep the warm feeling in his chest with every sip, but Remus just looked down right miserable. Despite numb fingers telling her otherwise, Lily opened the side of her blanket and motioned for Remus to come closer, tucking the blanket around his side. Immediately as selfish as it sounded she decided she'd made the right call, because heat was radiating off the boy like a furnace keeping her toasty warm, causing her to subconsciously lean closer into his side. They didn't share words of any kind, Remus just looked down at the red haired girl and smiled, knowing telling her she didn't have to was in vain, as giving was simply in Lily's nature and decided that he was the luckiest werewolf on the planet to have such generous friends even when it came to something as simple as sharing a blanket for warmth.

Violet burst out laughing when the quaffle she threw hit James directly in the face, pushing his glasses askew. She continued giggling as she flew to the ground and picked the ball up, before realising James' attention still hadn't wavered as he looked at the stands where their three friends sat in support. Squinting in their direction, Violet felt her heart drop and her blood boil in her veins. She couldn't tell if she was hurt or angry or both, but she knew she was aching and couldn't quite sort out why. Tilting her head back to look at James, she saw the exact same mix of emotions running through his eyes as he watched the girl he had been pining after for years snuggle into one of his best mates sides.

"Obviously I'm just angry on James' behalf" the girl mumbled to herself before grabbing his shoulder lightly and turning his attention to her.

"You think you're better than me? Prove it loser". With that Violet pushed him jokingly and flew down to where the captain was calling them to begin official tryouts. James smiled at her retreating form, and looked once more at Lily before immersing himself in the game.

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