I don't want to be your boyfriend anymore | Damien Haas

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*slight angst?? and fluff*

"Hey guys!" Olivia shouted out to the camera. "We are back with another. Try. Not. To. Laugh. CHALLENGE!" You and the rest of the squad whoo'ed as Ian continued where she left off.

"Yeah! You guys know the rules, 30 seconds to make the person in the seat laugh and spit out the water, if you succeed, great, good for you. If you don't..."

"YOU SUCK!" Shayne yelled out over your shoulder.

"Yes, exactly. But oh, oH, OH, " Ian turned to look at you and the tiny woman next to you. "Who do we have here? Look, guys, it's Y/n - aka Damiens girlfriend - and Boze - that used to be part of us - here from Big Mood! You guys ready to laugh?"

"I'm ready to not laugh, " Boze stated confidently. "Cause I'm not gonna laugh."

You and Shayne both poked her in the rib, making her giggle and you laugh as Shayne yelled out in victory.

"HEY!" Boze slapped your hands. "That's cheating! NO TOUCHING, Y/n and Shayne are disqualified."

"Okay guys, " Courtney interrupted. "Who's going in the hot seat first?"

"I can go first, " Shayne said and sat down as the rest of you moved behind the wall to get ready to make him laugh.

Soon enough everyone had been in the hot seat, and it was your turn. Boze came out first and said an inside joke that had been created when you were recording the podcast, making you laugh instantly. Next up was Shayne and he did some stupid bit that just made himself laugh, which almost cracked you. You thought you had it until he almost tripped over you and went "wHoOoA oOoOppSss" which made some water come out in literally the last second that was left. After Shayne, Olivia, Ian and Courtney came out to do their bits, some of them making you crack, but not all. Last of all was Damien, who came out without any props or anything, just him, looking a little pale and nervous, making you look at him with a question in your eyes. He smiled slightly at you before starting to talk.

"Okay, Y/n, it's great that you have water in your mouth because I don't want you to interrupt me because I really need to get this out, and it will be slightly a ramble but just bear with me. And this is not a joke or a bit, it's actually kinda, really serious." He let out a shaky breath and you heard the others come out to watch from behind the fake wall. "I don't want to be your boyfriend anymore." You gave him a weird look. He wouldn't break up with you on camera, would he? No, Damien wasn't that kind of guy. But what the hell was he up to now?

"You know I love you, so very damn much. Ever since I met you I've known you were something special, and I still owe Boze so much for introducing us to each other. And I always will love you. But, " He put his hand in the pocket of his hoodie. "I don't want to be your boyfriend anymore."

Your eyes started tearing up, Damien wouldn't break up with you now. Not here, not on camera, not in front of everyone. He- he wouldn't do something like that. Right? You started to doubt yourself, what if he would? What if he did?

"I don't want to be your boyfriend anymore, " he took out a small box. Wait, what? No, was he- "Because I want to be your husband." He got down on one knee, taking your hand in his.
"Y/n Y/l/n, do you want to make me the happiest dude on this planet and say yes, do you want to be my wife?"

Oh. My. God.

You spit out the water in your mouth, wiping a tear that rolled down your cheek.

"Yes Damien, I would love to be your wife." You croaked, voice hoarse from having ten different feelings in 30 seconds. Then you smirked at him, adding, "But you're disqualified, you weren't allowed to touch me!"

Everyone laughed and cheered as Damien got up and gave you a light kiss on your lips before pulling you in for a hug.

"You're a dick, " You whispered into his neck. "I really thought you were gonna breakup with me, y'know?"

"I'm sorry, " he giggled. "Hope you don't mind the way I did it in front of the cameras though, thought it would be fun, getting you a little scared."

"Hang on, " you turn to the others in the room who had surrounded the two of you to congratulate you on your engagement. "Did you guys know?"

"Me and Ian did, because Ian set the recording up and I'm the one who got you here." Boze said, hugging you from behind.

"I DID TOO!" Shayne's voice sounded. "I'm Damiens best friend, of course he told me."

"Yeah, I don't think the rest of us did." Courtney smiled at you, giving Damien a hug, while Olivia hugged you and agreed.

"Nope, I was so scared he was gonna break up with you on-camera. I may or may not have thought you were a real dumbass, sorry Deem."

"It's okay, " he laughed at the smaller girl as she gave him a hug.

"Dont worry, I call him a dumbhaas all the time!" you smirked as the others cheered in appreciation of your pun.

You finished the video with an outro and Boze and you told the viewers about your podcast and other things that were going on, as well as your social media handles. Then, Damien was done for the day so the two of you left the office and went to grab some dinner before going home to have a cozy night in, if you know what I mean ;)

Heheheheh I have had this idea in my mind for a long time and had to get it out so yuh... :) hope you liked it plz comment your thoughts and maybe leave a vote?☺️ THANKSSSSS

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