skip | ian hecox

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*slight heartache*

"Elijah Rufus Hecox, you get down here right now!" You were fuming, holding a letter from your son's school in your hand as the thirteen-year-old meekly made his way down the stairs and into the kitchen. You hold the paper up so he sees it. "What is this?"

"I don't know, mama." He fires off an innocent smile but you just scowl at him. "I- uh.."

"Why has your school sent me a letter, saying you've skipped class several times this week? It's Wednesday for goodness sake!"

"I'm sorry."

"No." You point at the chair behind him, and he immediately sits down. "No sorry. I want to know why. You're a good boy, Eli, what could have made you skip school like this? You've never done it before... Right?"

"No, " he whispers. "I just... I dunno mama."

You look at your son with sorrow in your eyes. There's something that's been different about him lately, coming home early, not wanting to talk to you or his father, spending time in his room, more so than usual...

The front door opens and your husband steps into the hallway.

"I'm home, " he stops himself when he sees the two of you sitting by the dinner table. "What- Has something happened?"

"That's what I'm trying to find out, " you say, turning back to the boy in front of you. "Eli, please talk to me. I- We just want what's best for you, and that is not skipping school."

"Wait, what?" Ian sits down next to his son, putting his hand on Eli's back. "Is everything okay? I mean at school, there's no one being mean to you, right?"

"No..." Eli lies, and all three of you know it. You just give him a look and he sighs. "I- I wouldn't call it bullying, but... She makes me uncomfortable... A lot."

"We didn't either, Eli." Ian starts off, but you interrupt him.

"Who is "she", Eli? And in what ways does she make you uncomfortable?"

"Nova Johnson, she sits next to me in pretty much every class, and she- I dunno, she's just being... I don't want to say mean but.."

"She's being mean?" You finish when he trails off and doesn't finish his sentence. Elijah nods his head and looks down at the hands in his lap, fiddling about. "Is that why you've been skipping? Why don't you just talk to your teachers, get you, or her, moved to a different seat? Or is she bugging you in the hallways as well?"

"Well, I mean yeah, but that no problem, 'cause I can just avoid her. But in class, I'm stuck next to her for two hours, and then another two hours, and then another- you get the idea." Elijah looks up. "I tried to ask for a seat change, but they wanted a "good reason" why, and when I told them they said I was overreacting and that she just "has a crush on me" and that's why she's doing it. They didn't even tell her to stop, or at least tone it down!" Elijah's voice gets stuck, and his eyes have gotten teary. "I'm sorry I skipped, I just didn't have the energy to deal with her. But I promise, I wasn't just playing around, I was at the library doing schoolwork all day! I promise, I can even show you what I did."

"Eli, it's fine." You gently caress your boy's cheek, wiping away the tear that rolled down. "You should have told us. I'm just mad at your teachers for not doing anything, and claiming it's "just a crush" because even if it was, she still bothers you to the point where you feel like you have to skip school to get away from it."

"Yeah," Ian pulls his son into his arms, giving the boy a hug, who removes his glasses as waterfalls brakes loose in relief. "How about your mother and I talk to your school tomorrow, eh? Get them to understand and have either one of your seats moved. This isn't something they should take lightly, and they really should be listening to their student's requests and wishes, especially when it affects their schoolwork." Ian looks at you, and you nod in agreement. "Even if you're disciplined enough to do it anyway." He adds with a joking tone, getting a giggle out of the teenager.

"Thank you, " Eli pulls the two of you in for a hug. "I love you. Both."

"We love you too kid." You kiss his head. "Go get your laundry, I'm doing it tonight after dinner."

When Eli had made his way into his room, you sigh and lean into Ian's side, your heart hurting for your boy. How could his teacher not do anything about the situation? It had obviously been going on for a while and knowing your son, he had tried to ignore the problem until it became too much. He was a lot like you in that way. Stubborn, yet optimistic.

"He'll be fine, " Ian assures you, planting a light kiss on your forehead. "He's strong. Stubborn, like his mama."

"I know, " you smile up at him. "I'm just upset his teachers let it go this far. Knowing Eli he's probably let this go on for a heckin' good while and tried to change seats more than a few times."

"I know, " Ian sigh and rubs your arm. "But we'll all go to his school tomorrow and talk to the school administration. That'll have to help."

When dinner was done, Elijah offered to help you do the laundry, an offer you gladly accepted.

"Can you start the wash?" You ask him when you had sorted out all the clothes and put the first pile into the machine. "I'll be right back."

"Mhm, yeah 'course."

Two minutes later you came back into the laundry room with two big bowls of ice cream. Giving one to Eli, the two of you sat back against the wall on top of the washer and dryer each, munching on the sweet treat.

"So, what did you work on these last few days?" You ask, curious to know about your sons school work.

"Uhm, some assignments, but I mainly studied for the Biology test we got next week."

"You think you got it?"

"Yeah, I'm feeling confident about this one." Elijah smile at you and you sat in comfortable silence, eating your ice creams and just enjoying your mother-son time until the machine was done. Well... As silent as it can be with the machine roaring and tumbling about.

"Of course, we will do something about this! Mr and Mrs Hecox. Elijah." The student principal, Ms Darbus, had an empathic look in her eyes as she put her hands to her chin. "I assure you, I have not heard a word of this. I'm sorry so sorry that you felt the need to skip your classes to avoid this issue, have I had heard of this, would I immediately done something about it. What teachers did you talk to? Let me know and I'll have a talk with them, and all teachers, and let them know that it is of biggest importance that we take our student's concerns and requests seriously."

She gives Eli a notepad and a pen and he starts writing down the teachers he had talked to, while you and Ian thanked her for being so understanding.

"Of course. " She waves her hand in dismissal. "As I said, this is serious, I don't want the kids here to feel out of place or... in any other way uncomfortable."

"Thank you so much, " Ian says, smiling down at his son who slides the notebook back across the desk. "I don't think Eli will miss any more lessons now, will you?"

"As long as I can work in peace, " Elijah pushes his glasses up further on his nose, firing off a smile. "Definitely won't skip anymore."

"Mom!" Elijah walks through the door shouting for you.

"Hi baby, " you smile and wipe your hands on the towel across your shoulder. "How did the Biology test go?"

"Oh, you're not gonna believe this!" Eli takes a paper out of his bag that is lazily thrown over his shoulder. "I got an A+!"

Hiiiii I really kinda like this hehehe also; find the references😌 hope u like it, plz vote and maybe leave a comment w your thoughts :)))
//Moa :)

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