2am | Damien Haas

585 12 19

*idk, this being overall bad, insomnia, sex is mentioned at the end, fluFF*

You had been tossing and turning in the bed for what felt like hours. In reality, it was only about an hour or two that had passed, but that didn't make things easier or better. Wiggling your way out of Damien's grip around your waist, you make your way downstairs to get a glass of water or something to drink.

Downing the entire glass in one go, you almost slam it down on the counter in frustration. You need to sleep, you had an early morning pass at work, and you had to wake up at 6 am to leave home at 7. Suddenly a pair of arms wrap around you, making you jump before realising it was Damien.

"Can't sleep?" He groggily asks before pressing a light kiss to your neck. "Everything okay?"

"Yeah," you turn around and smile at the tired boy leaning his chin on your shoulder. "Just insomnia hitting me hard. Which sucks when I have to get up in.."

"Five hours."


"Let's make something to eat." Damien looks up at you with a grin.


"Yeah," He takes out a saucepan and two ramen packages of the cabinets. "Why not? If we can't sleep, we can at least eat and have some fun."

"Alright," you shrug, realising he's right. There's no point in lying in bed tossing and turning, not when you can eat instead. "I'll put on some music?"

"Sounds great. But first," He pouts his lips like a toddler, giving puppy eyes. With a giggle, you kiss him before going back to the bedroom to get your phone from the nightstand.

When you walk back into the kitchen you offer Damien to choose what he wants to listen to, but he turns down your offer, saying you can choose whatever you want. You press shuffle on your playlist containing pretty much any and every song you've ever listened to - yes it was a long-ass list - skipping through the first ten or so songs, muttering "no, nope, definitely not, eh... no, god no, uhm not in the mood, nope, oh this one? nope, yeah no, nope, no, ugh" before finally landing on Gives You Hell by The All-American Rejects.

Damien smiles at you as you sing along to the intro, picking up Freyja who had come downstairs, thinking the food being made was something she could taste.

"When you see my face," You take the grey-furred cat out of his grip, twirling around with her as you belt out the lyrics. "Hope it gives you hell, hope it gives you hell."

Freyja tries to wiggle out of your grip, not fully enjoying being twirled around as much as you do, and you let her go as the last lines of the song comes up.

"You can sing along," Freyja runs out of the kitchen and goes to hide under the sofa. "I hope that it puts you through hell."

"You're adorable." Damien grabs your waist and hums along to the next song playing, before singing along. "I know you said, that you don't like it complicated. That we should try to keep it simple."

"But love is never, ever simple, no." You had listened to this song enough times that even Shayne had sung along a couple of times in the past.

You and Damien dance around, twirling each other and giggling as you sing and dance along to the One Direction, Eminem and My Chemical Romance songs, among others that play from your phone on the table.

"But girls love girls and boys!" You yell out along Brendon Urie as Damien stirs the ramen one last time before putting it in the bowls. "And love is not a choice."

"Come on, sweets." Damien pauses the music, taking your bowls and motions you to go sit in the living room sofa. "Time to eat."

"Hold up," You open the fridge and take out a can of pink lemonade and then some glasses. "I'm not gonna get thirsty. Again."

Damien rolls his eyes and puts down the bowls of ramen on the table, before not-quite-literally-throwing himself down on the sofa, waiting for you to join him.

Sitting down next to your boyfriend, you're not surprised he's loaded an episode of My Hero Academia on the tv to watch while you eat, and two episodes and a bowl of chicken noodle ramen soup later, you're lying on Damien's chest, eyes barely keeping open as the end credits scroll. Looking up at Deem, you see hens fallen back asleep, head leaning back on the couch, mouth slightly open, and light snores leaving him. You give a light snort and hug him closer as you're way too tired to wake him and move to the bed, but Damien's eyes flutter open, asking what time it is.

"2:06 am," you mumble, closing your eyes to sleep. "'m too tired to move, let's just sleep here tonight." Damien agrees but he gets you to at least lie down properly on the sofa. He holds you close and the two of you quickly fall asleep, content in each other's arms, not noticing the two cats coming to lie by your feet.

"Babe," Damien's voice wakes you up and you squint your eyes at the light hitting you, burrowing your head down into his neck, making him giggle. "No, babey. You need to wake up."


"Yeah, you're gonna be late. It's 6:20 already."

"That's too early. Why would I-?" You quickly sit up, holding your hands on Damien's chest.  "Oh shit... Ugh, I need to get ready."

Forty-five minutes later you rush out of the apartment, a smoothie made by Damien in your hand. Just as you get in your car, your phone rings and Courtneys caller ID shows up on your screen.

"Hi, Court." You turn the engine on and start driving to work. "What's up? Wait, why are you awake at this ungodly hour?"

"I decided to go to the gym early to be there without everyone else... Not sure it's worth it though." You laugh at her comment before letting out a yawn, turning right at the red light-turned-green. "You tired? Late night shenanigans?"

"Yeah, Damien kept me up until 2 am. Well... Him and insomnia."

"Oh?" Courtney snorts, and you scrunch your eyebrows in confusion before realising what made her react.

"Oh my God, Courtney." You laugh and shake your bead at her dirty mind. "Not like that you fool, I just couldn't sleep and he made us some ramen soup to while we watched My Hero Academia until 2 am. We didn't- you know. Do it."

"Maybe you should try that next time." You can practically hear her wiggle her eyebrows. "Tire you out instead of getting stuck binge watching anime. Get you asleep a little earlier than 2 am."

"Oh dear, well, first of all, you're a pervert. Second of all, I'm not sure that would work, partly because we've tried it before and partly because it makes us stay awake even longer. Third of all, why did we almost always start talking about my sex life whenever we talk?"

"You're the one who mentioned Damien kept you up last night, " Courtney laughs. "You brought this onto yourself, babe."

"Uh, whatever." You roll your eyes. "See you for lunch? 11:30-ish? My treat if we don't talk about my sex life."


Oh God that ending sucks lmao
I could've ended it with falling asleep but I wanted Courtneys moment there uh yeah hahahahah (oH it's 1:45am here now lmao eyy) anyhooooo....
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