roommates | Matt Duran

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This isn't written like I normally write because I wrote this for a friend, and that's why her name is there instead of Y/n's. Also sorry I haven't updated in forever, I lowkey forgot about Wattpad as I was focused on my IG accounts oops sorry

*short asf, fluff, not y/n, Matt's POV, mentions of alcohol*

Matt jumped, looking up from the computer when the door slammed shut. He could hear his roommate, Sya, taking off her shoes in anger while muttering swears to herself. Standing up he walked out into the hallway, taking Syas coat from her and hanging it up on the hanger. 

"You okay?" 

"No," she groaned. "I've had a really fucking rough day. I think that everything that could go wrong actually did, and all I want is just a drink and some cuddles." Matt smiled as Sya dramatically placed the back of her hand to her forehead and leaned into him.

"Well, go change into something comfortable and kick those tired feet up on the couch, and I'll be right out with a glass of wine for us."

"You're the best."

"What else are roommates for?" He teased her as he lightly shoved her towards her room.

About one glass of wine and half a movie later, Sya was cuddled into Matt's arm, slowly drifting off when something in the movie made him laugh, causing her to wake up.

"Sorry," Matt giggled. "Comfortable?"

"Mhm," Sya yawned. "You're very warm."

"You're so cute when you're half asleep" Matt froze when he realised his thoughts were said out loud. 

"What?" Sya sat up and looked at her roommate in bewilderment before a teasing smirk came over her features. "You think I'm cute?" Matt's heart beat very, very, very hard in his chest, and he was scared Sya heard it. He gulped and let his tongue run over his suddenly dry lips before a whispered confirmation left them. 

"Well just so you know," Sya rested her chin in her hand. "I think you're cute too."

"I- wait what? really?" 

"Yes." Matt felt brave.

"Can I kiss you?"

"Thought you'd never ask." Matt caressed Syas cheek and slowly moved in closer. Sya quickly got impatient and closed the gap between them, locking lips with the dark-haired man.

The kiss was slow and sweet, just like the couple. Matt felt intoxicated, and he never wanted the kiss to end, her kisses were his new drug. Though, finally, they had to break apart due to needing oxygen. Matt leaned his forehead against Syas, caressing her cheek, taking in every detail of her face, her eyelashes, her eyelids, her eyebrows, the scarf around her head.

"Your lips are so soft, I could kiss them all day. Well, night." Matt's lips ghosted over the tip of Syas nose.

"You have the permission to do so, so please, don't hold back," Sya whispered to the man before kissing him again.

Smosh Blurbs/Imagines idk m8Where stories live. Discover now