chapter 20

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These chapters are going to start on topics like rape, pregnancy, and miscarriage. 

I will give you guys a warning before the topics come into the chapter. Therefore, you can skip to the safe parts.

and don't forget to vote bcz...

why not?


Taehyung P.O.V 

I am so happy. I finally got the girl I wanted...

Before the plan was to leave y/n and become the leader of the mafia.

But after she left, I felt a hole in my heart and I knew I needed her back. Now, I have her and I am going to become a father. So what if I forced her? I know that she is comfortable and happy...



y/n P.O.V

my life is hell... I knew I would be pregnant one day... but with Jungkooks baby not the psychopathic killer who shot and stabbed me.

he says that I should be happy. should I be happy? should I accept this as my faith? I cant...

I need Jungkook... to help me, guide me, to love me.

I always wanted my home... Is this finally it? Can I be happy in this mafia life I never wanted to be apart of?

i cant be happy... I cry myself to sleep every night. I can't sleep otherwise the nightmares haunt me...


Jungkook P.O.V

I have a feeling that I am going to find y/n very soon. I miss her so much and I still keep her stuff with me in the hopes of her return. I figured that since Namjoon Hyung and yoongi Hyung is finding her, she will need new clothes and stuff whenever she comes back in my arms.

I go into the XXX mall. I know that it was y/n's favorite place to shop. this place is so huge and has everything anyone could ask for. I go into the store where y/n usually dragged me inside. 

I remembered the times where I would whine and then wait outside the store and she would bring bags and bags of clothes. I would later find out that all the bags were for me... 

These were the times where I knew that she was the one for me. I sigh and go inside with a heavy heart. I went inside the store and I started picking out the clothes I knew she would like and wear. I went to the other part of the store by accident. my eyes widened and I turned around to bump into this pregnant woman. she dropped her bags and fell on the ground.

"oh my god! I am so sorry..."

"ugh... it's fine..."

I felt so bad that I made a pregnant woman fall that I was thinking of treating her to coffee, I picked up her bags and handed them to her and that is when I saw her face. she gulped as she recognized me too...

" y-y/n... "

" J-Jungkook..."

I rushed to her and I hugged her. the hug could have lasted forever and I still wouldn't have let her go. the only thing stopping me from hugging her very tightly as her big baby bump. I raised my hands and gave her my pleading eyes...

" Can I touch it? "

" yes... you may..."

I lean towards her and rub my fingers on her belly and I felt the baby kick. Tears welled up in my eyes as I knew it wasn't mine. I wasn't going to be the father of her child.

"I can explain..."

" you wanna get coffee?"

"yea sure..."

the tension was so thick. we walked separately as y/n was afraid that Taehyungs guards would catch her if she was with Jungkook. she put on a mask and before we entered, y/n whispered something in the waiter's ear.


y/n P.O.V

before we entered the cafe, I went over to the waiter who was standing outside and I whispered in his ear

"Please keep everyone out of the restaurant for 20 minutes."

"why should I?"

Jungkook went inside and I took a big stack of cash out of my pocket and handed it to him

" you have half an hour..."

I thanked the waiter and went inside. I see Jungkook sitting at the last table. As I walked closer to him. his features became more clear. his jawline. the mole under his lips. the scar on his cheek.

eomma once told me that love is when you accept the flaws of one another. I didn't just accept Jungkook's flaws. I see them as perfect imperfections.

I love him...

I sit down opposite to him. he wasn't looking at me. he was looking outside the window, with tears in his eyes... 


to be continued...

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