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she knew if it got out, he'd make her life a misery.

still, she was tossing and turn at night, thinking about the cool touch of his hands on her skin. suddenly she wanted to do dirty, unspeakable things to him.

she huffed and got out of bed. it wasn't past two am but she dragged herself to the prefect bathrooms, on her way to have a cold shower.

it had been days since the encounter and she hadn't seen him since. she almost missed him.

she crept into the bathroom quietly but was greeted by a familiar face. with a naked body. she quickly hid. not trying to raise any attention but her actions proved futile.

"don't pretend as if you aren't here, mudblood. come out before i drag you out." he turned around as she crept out and she tried to look everywhere but his third leg.

he chuckled, "if you missed me little one, you should've come to my dorm."

the air left sephy's lungs and she couldn't say anything.

"what are you doing here?" he questioned

"i'm here to take a bath." she whispered and he smiled.

"take your clothes off then." he wrapped a towel around his waist and sat on the sinks.

sephy stood there, "but you're here?! I can't bathe when you're here." she protectively wrapped the towel tighter around her.

"are you afraid of me seeing you naked, little one? be a gryffindor. and plus, it wouldn't be the first time."

it was like lightning. he cast a spell that ripped her towel from her body and came down to greet her.

he pried her hands away from her body. once he was successful, he bit his lip and eyed her, "you're so beautiful." his hand ran over her hips, "it makes me sick."

that was the last thing she heard before he pushed her into the water.

she gasped and broke surface, "what is wrong with you?! are you mad?"

tom laughed and sat back on the sinks, "not mad. horny. now take your bath."

now that she knew he was capable of anything, she didn't bother fighting his actions and so rather in the sight of him, bathed. it didn't help the heat she was feeling, in fact it made it worse, watching his erection poke out from through his towel.

she hit the last straw when he slid into the bath with her.

he pointed a finger at her and beckoned her over. he watched as she slowly crept over, but her speed was driving him insane. when she was within arms reach he grabbed her and held her by her neck.

he pinched her nipple and she yelped, his hand tight around her neck, "when I say come here. i expect you to get over here. fast. do you understand, mudblood?"

sephy was losing air quickly, "yes sir."

he let go and slapped her ass, "good girl." she fell again his body and she was sure he was going to push her off, instead he brought her closer, drawing circles in her back. 

"tell me, persephone. are you a virgin?" tom asked coolly. he wanted her answer to the the correct one. if she wasn't, he might just take her, right then.

she nodded her head against his bare chest.

"words, sweetheart. i need words." Tom continued rubbing her back.


they were the perfect words and tom exhaled, "good."

it was enough to scare sephy. that single word. she knew she couldn't get out of this now. she wasn't even sure what this was.


"yes sir?" her voice came no louder than a whisper.

"promise me you won't give yourself to anyone but me." it wasn't a question. it was more a statement, a demand.

she found herself saying the words, "i promise."

"good girl. oh and persephone?"

she looked at him.

"call me Tom."

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