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she was dead.

the others were petrified.

although sephy wasn't a big fan of myrtle, she didn't wish death upon her and as she sat on tom's bed, naked, she questioned him.

"hey, do you know what's unusual? this thing, that's going around, it's targeting muggleborns. have you noticed?" she asked.

tom didn't let his face betray him, "no. I haven't noticed. you're probably the only one who has, bloody ravenclaw."

sephy rolled her eyes and rested her head on his chest.

"im scared."

the two words caught him off guard.

yes, she was a muggleborn. she didn't change his opinions about mudbloods. she was still one of them, still dirty and filthy. but for some strange reason he felt the dire need to protect her.

he held her closer, "nothing is coming after you. nothing will hurt you. i promise." he looked down into her eyes, "have i ever told you that I think your eyes are the most beautiful things on earth?"

sephy laughed, "are you trying to worm your way into extra sex?"

tom chuckled but shook his head, "im being very serious."

she propped herself up on her elbow, tracing her finger against his jawline, she kissed him. it wasn't like her other kisses, it was fully of love, want and desire.

tom simply couldn't get enough of her, swiftly getting on top of her. he entered her and they made love from that moment on till dawn.

sephy and marlene walked down the corridor and out into the courtyard.

marlene stopped sephy, "are you okay? you're limping?"

sephy's heart stopped, "yeah, I fell in the bath. hit my leg pretty bad."

the lie was sufficient enough and marlene took it.

"your roommates tell me you don't sleep in the dorm anymore? why not?" marlene questioned.

"I—i scream in my sleep." sephy nodded, taking in her lie, "i don't wanna disrupt them so I sleep in professor dumbledore's office. he's a real darling. let's me bunk...for the nights." sephy didn't meet marlene's eyes.

"look, I don't know why you're lying to me, or what's going on, but I miss my best friend. when she gets back, let me know." marlene tapped her on the shoulder and walked away.

"i think I'm ruining relationships with people." it was another night and she was in bed with him again.

"that's their loss."

sephy played with her fingers, knowing the question she was about to ask would get her upset, "tom, what are we?"


sephy scoffed, "stop it, I'm being serious."

"I don't know what you want to hear, persephone. one thing i do know, you ask questions like that and you get yourself hurt." tom turned around and pretended to fall asleep.

he heard her quiet sniffles then felt her move to dry her tears.

she couldn't know that he was in love with her. not yet.

desire | tom riddleDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora