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he was on one side of the room, watching her as always.

he wanted to bend her over the table and take her there and then. he had no issues with an audience. she drove him crazy.

"dirty mudblood." he muttered under his breath as he ran his fingers through his hair.

the chatter in the classroom was loud, excitement buzzed in the air. it couldn't mask her beautiful laugh.

a quick flashing of teeth, head thrown back, smile, then a bat of the eyelashes.

he wanted to rip aideon saviours head off. his hand was on the small of her back, rubbing it in circles.

every now again, when she bent over to stir the pot, he'd be looking at her fine rounded ass. biting his lip.

tom wanted to pour the steaming potion down his back. but it was okay. after class.

he watched as she left, giggling with marlene. he would sort her out later. she was a stress relief. when he wasn't figuring out how to become immortal or writing in his diary, he was getting a blowjob from her, fingering her or writing his name between her legs. he decided he didn't want to have sex with her just yet. when he did he wanted to make sure she felt it.

he casually strolled up to aideon.

"need any help?" he gestured to the equipment, which was still boiling hot.

"oh, no thank you. I'm okay." Stupid prissy white boy.

tom reeled in his anger, "the mudblood? what do you think?"

aideon recoiled, "i beg your pardon?"

tom felt himself getting angry, he grabbed aideons hand and shoved it into the fire, muffling his screams, he said, "now you of all people, should know I'm not a patient guy, so don't make me repeat myself."

aideons fingers neared the burning coals and he whimpered, "i think she's hot!"

tom sniggered, "would you do her?"

"fuck! yes, i would!"

"wrong answer." tom pressed his hands into the burning coal and flipped the steaming potions so it burnt his back.

"stay away from her. if you know what's good, you won't tell anyone what happened here." tom took his fingers out and patted his back with force, causing him to whimper.

"atta boy." he proceeded to walk out, "careful now, if I was you, I'd go to Madame Pomfrey right away. 3rd degree burns are nasty to live with. ask the muggles."

he left the potions room pleased. no one was to touch what was his.

short chapter because we love fillers :)

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