Chapter 19: Tony Being Tony

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Tony being who he was, decided to orchestrate a party celebrating the return of Alex Wonder. I was ecstatic about my dad's return. The party, not so much. I remember the last time I went and got drunk. It was embarrassing. Very very very embarrassing.

"Then don't drink, you gumby," JJ said placing her hand on her hips. Her hat wobbled precariously on top of her head. "You just got drunk last time because you decided to play Tony's game."

"I regret that so much," I said, wincing.

I yelped as JJ accidently yanked a knot in my blue purple hair. "Careful. I like my hair," I said, patting my hair.

JJ snorted. "You have enough. I won't rip your hair out. Relax, kitty." I scowled and flinched as she yanked another knot.

"I won't have any hair at this point."

"I bet Pietro's going to love you."

"He already loves me."

I gave a small twirl in front of the body mirror. I had on a knee length silver dress with a sparkly bodice. JJ had the same style, but in green, complimenting her red hair.

There was a knock at our door and I opened it. "Pietro!" I cheered. I grabbed his neck and he swung me around.

"Hello, Alice," he chuckled. "That's a dress I like," he commented. He pecked my lips and looked over his shoulder. "JJ, your date will be here soon. He's a slow old man though," he teased.

Bucky growled playfully at Pietro and swatted the back of his head. "Watch it, boy. I'm your elder," he muttered. He saw JJ and smiled brightly. "You look beautiful, doll," he murmured. JJ smiled back and grabbed his elbow.

"Let's go!"

We headed down in the elevator and I turned to fix Pietro's silver bow tie. "I'm sure Dad won't kill you," I chirped. Pietro looked flabbergasted as I flounced out the door and into the colorful living room.

"Wait, what?!"

I sneaked into the crowd and found the back of my dad. He was talking with Steve so I held up a finger for him to be quiet. His lips twitched into a smile, but he made it so he was smiling at something Alex was saying.

I used my uber super sneaky cat skills to pounce on Alex and wrap my arms around his neck so my legs were dangling. "Hiya!"

Alex grunted under my weight and chuckled. "Hiya kitten! Steve was just talking about you."

"All crazy things, I hope," I said, looking at Steve. He nodded, smirking.

"All crazy good things," he promised.

I grinned. "Ready to meet my boyfriend?"

Alex scowled and groaned. "I'm too old for this and you're too young," he complained. "Let's go meet the little bas- man."

"No laser eyes, hulk smashes, or poison involved, capisce?"

"No capisce, but I'll try."

I led dad over to Pietro who was hovering by the snack table anxiously. When he saw Alex, he stood up straighter. "Hello, sir," he mumbled.

Alex gave him the look over and stared into his blue eyes. "Don't kill this one. I love him too much," I teased.

"He's all good according to my father intuition," Alex announced. He turned around and disappeared to go catch up on whatever he does.

"That's it?" Pietro asked in disbelief.

"That's it," I confirmed.

"Now what?"

I tapped my chin with my and thought about it for a second. "Weeeeeeeeell, we could," I pointed to everyone in the room. "Have some fun," I finished slyly.

He grinned and kissed my forehead. "This is why I love you," he breathed. We split up and found our designated target. Embarrassment 101, my friends.

I sneaked behind a counter to be by Wanda and Vision. "I LOVE SCARLET VISION!" I screamed. I giggled when Wanda choked on her drink.


I stopped giggling and crawled away. "Uh oh." Wanda found me hiding under the counter and I waved, holding a jar of cookies. "Want some?"

She scowled and took one. "You're lucky you're cute," she grumbled, eating one.

"I know."

I heard JJ and Bucky screaming about potatoes, Yeti's, and Pietro. Hmm, I wonder what went on.

"Let's play Truth or Dare," Tony announced.

"NO!" I shouted, still under the counter. "I refu-"

I was sitting on the couch, on Pietro's lap with his arms wrapped around my waist. "Come on, dragă," he pouted.

"Caesar's ghost, not the puppy eyes," I groaned. "We all know mine sucks," I wailed.

He continued the puppy eyes until I gave in. It was so cute, I barely refrained from melting into a puddle. "Fine," I groaned, leaning back. Pietro smiled in triumph and swept me into another kiss, ignoring the cat calls.

"I am the master of puppy eyes," he crowed. "You, however, are the master of urâtă fete drăguț rață," (ugly cute duck faces) he exclaimed. Natasha, who was settling on the couch, let out a bark of laughter.

I frowned, then smiled. "I have no idea what you said, but it sounds hot coming out of your mouth."

Natasha was full on laughing now, with Clint alongside of her. Darn their super spy skills of understanding languages. I can only understand squirrels and the language of the crazy.

"Let's play, kiddies," Tony said, cracking his knuckles.

"Uh, I'll take apple juice," I said, raising my hand. "I am now a responsible adult and I refuse to go into whatever I did last time," I added solemnly.

Tony started cracking up and I scowled at him. "It's not funny.'

"Yeah, it was hilarious," he chuckled, wiping away tears of mirth. I gave a loud snarl and Tony stopped laughing. ""Big sourpuss."

I stuck my tongue at him.

"Mature adult, yeah right," Clint laughed.

"I said responsible adult,, not mature," I pointed out. "Get your facts straight. Let's get this stupid game started."

Little did I know, I would regret this game, but love the outcome.  

I took a looksy around the room.  I love my dysfunctional badass family.

You know what, everything turned out okay!  I'm crazy, she's crazy, we're a little insane, but it turned out okay!  

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