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A/N: You can probably skip over the introduction, but it does explain a few things. Ideas from Romeo and Juliet, Disney Descendants, and The Lunar Chronicles. 

Just to clarify, this is my story, that I had originally written on but chose to bring it to Wattpad. Please do not copy or claim anything from this story as your own, as I am the original author and wrote this story 2 years ago. Thank you, and enjoy the story!

Disclaimer: I do not own Disney Descendants or Romeo and Juliet. 


A long, LONG time ago, the world was filled with villains. These villains are not ordinary villains. They're DISNEY villains. But, because of how they did terrible things to the Disney heroes, they were trapped onto a separated island from Auradon by Fairy Godmother.

This island is called the Isle of the Lost.

Instead of a magical bridge that hardly anyone can access, only Auradonians can access the bridge to get to the Isle. But unless they have the bridge opener, they can't get back to Auradon. Luckily, they do.

But at the Isle, no one is nice. It's filled with the nasty villains that are mean and vicious as ever, and their kids live there too, nasty as ever because they were raised by their evil parents.

The sun never shines on the isle, and it's always freezing. The villains on the isle of the lost are forced to live off of the mainland's scraps. But they've made the most of it. There are 2 schools on the Isle, Dragon Hall, and Serpent Prep, but the difference is that Dragon Hall has people whipped for being nice or not evil. But enough of the Isle.

Auradon is run by King Beast and Queen Belle. The protector of Auradon, of course, is Fairy Godmother. King Beast and Queen Belle have a 16-year-old son named Benjamin, Ben for short.

Ben is the crown prince of Auradon, and so his job is to make proclamations to make the entire country a better place. Which, of course, includes the Isle.

Ben has worked his butt off trying to clean up the Isle so that the people live in a cleaner, safer, environment. Even if they're villains. The Isle should have better food, and a cleaner, warmer, safer, environment, and that is what Ben is working on first.

Prince Ben's coronation to be king is in a week, and there are servants and friends and everyone is trying to help to get ready for it. There's a lot to be done, like how Ben's suit has to be measured, and the ballroom has to be decorated, and everything. Ben's friends are really trying to help, with him being a good friend and all.

First off, there's Jane, daughter of the Fairy Godmother. She's the one who tries to help coordinate everything. Then, there's Lonnie, daughter of Mulan. She's amazing at sword fighting and is the first girl to be on R.O.A.R., Auradon Prep's fencing team. (Auradon Prep is the school in Auradon, in case you didn't know. =P) Next, there's Aziz, son of Aladdin and Jasmine. He's pretty much Ben's best friend. Lastly, there's Audrey, Ben's snotty girlfriend.

The prep that needs to be done for the coronation will be a big procession, and everything needs to be perfect in order to have a perfect ceremony.

A Disney Descendants Version of Romeo and JulietTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang