Chapter 6

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Disclaimer: I do not own Disney Descendants or Romeo and Juliet. 


When everything was prepared, Ben took Mal's hand and brought her to the enchanted lake. With her eyes covered by Ben's hands, Mal gasped in surprise at the amazing sight of their picnic spot. On dry land, there was a red and white checkered blanket with a large picnic basket under a shady tree. The lake that was right next to it sparkled in the sun. A rock was raised up on one side for a diving board.

"Do you like it?" Ben asked, breaking the silence. Mal smiled. 

"It's breathtaking," she replied. Ben led her over to the picnic blanket and they sat down. Immediately Ben brought out the strawberries. 

"Mal, this is a strawberry. You need to try them," he said. Mal hesitated, but took one of the ripe red fruit and bit into it. Her eyes widened and she stuffed another, and another strawberry into her mouth. Ben laughed, taking a jelly doughnut for himself. 

"Don't eat them all. I'm going to go for a swim." Ben said. He undressed, leaving himself wearing a swimsuit.

As soon as Ben was about to dive into the enchanted lake, Mal squinted her eyes. 

"Are those little crowns on your shorts?" she yelled. 

"Maybe!" Ben yelled, plunging into the water below. After 10 minutes of stuffing her face with strawberries once more, Mal got worried. Ben hadn't come up out of the water 10 minutes ago. He could be dead, for all she knew. So Mal did the only thing that she probably could have tried to do. She went into the water to save Ben. But just as soon as she got past the 4-foot mark, she started to drown. Mal couldn't swim. But right when she was about to go under, two arms caught her and pulled her to shore.

"You scared me!" Mal said when she saw who had saved her. 

"And I saved you," Ben said. 

"I tried to go in to try and save YOU! You were underwater for 10 whole minutes!" Mal shouted. 

"And you can't swim? The isle is surrounded by water!" Ben replied, grinning. 

"There was no one to teach me," Mal said. 

"So you don't know how to swim, and yet, you still try to go in and save me," Ben said, an admiring look in his eyes. 

"Yeah," Mal said, staring into his eyes.

At that very moment, Ben kissed her. But the kiss didn't last very long because Fairy Godmother shouted, "Okay, okay, it's time to break it up! Mal shouldn't even be here in Auradon! Time to go, Mal!" Fairy Godmother took ahold of Mal's arm and started pulling her towards the castle. 

"What? Why!" Ben protested. 

"Her mother is very worried, and I wouldn't want to get on her bad side. You know, because she's-" 

"Maleficent, I know." Ben interrupted.

 "Bye, Ben. I don't know when I'll see you again." Mal said.

 "Don't say that. We'll see each other soon." Ben replied.

"By the way, Ben, I'm provoking your use of the bridge opener. Consider yourself banished from the Isle of the Lost. Forever." FG said. 

"What! That's unfair." Ben replied. 

"You put aside your king duties and did something that wasn't technically a priority for the kingdom. You need to stick to your schedule. Didn't your father teach you anything?" FG asked. 

"Of course he did. But taking away my privilege for the bridge opener is just a really bad decision." Ben said. 

"Too late. I'm not changing my mind. Good day, King Ben." FG said, leading Mal back to the Isle.

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