Chapter 9

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Disclaimer: I do not own Disney Descendants or Romeo and Juliet.


The dress came a week after it was ordered. It was white, of course, and was sparkly. Mal absolutely HATED sparkles. The dress was also frilly and had a beaded belt around the waist. What made Mal want to burn her dress even more was the fact that the dress was strapless. A strapless, sparkly, frilly, beaded, white wedding dress. Mal made a face. How could her mother force her to get married, when she wasn't asked of her opinion? Oh wait, she was. But her response was laughter. Mal thought that Anthony was joking. That's the only reason she laughed. But now she was being forced to marry the boy she didn't love.

Frustrated with her thoughts, Mal decided to walk around the isle. 

"Who is the wisest person on the isle that can most likely help me?" she thought. The idea hit her like a bullet.

She sprinted all the way to Dragon Hall, and right to Yen Sid's classroom. But Mal heard a familiar voice talking to her teacher, and so she stuck only her head into the classroom doorway.

"I was wondering if you could officiate mine and Mal's wedding." Anthony Tremaine asked. 

"But I'm not a priest." Yen Sid replied. 

"I know, but you're the only one close enough to one," he said. 

"True, true. Fine, I'll officiate the wedding. Now get out of my classroom. I've had enough of you." the teacher said, waving Anthony out the door.

Mal gasped as Anthony came through the door. 

"Why hello, my bride-to-be. How are you doing? Are you as excited as I am?" he said, smiling. 

"Uh, yeah, sure. I'm great. Just. Great. How about you?" Mal asked. 

"I'm great. But I have to go, so bye," he said. 

"You're the one that started a conversation in the first place and now you're leaving. Okay, sounds good. Bye." Mal muttered. Anthony rolled his eyes and walked away.

Mal took a breath and walked into Yen Sid's classroom. 

"How are you holding up, Mal? I understand that you don't want to be married to the Tremaine boy, am I right?" he asked. 

"Yes. Exactly. Now, do you have something that can prevent or delay the marriage?" Mal asked. 

"Hmm, well there's this potion that's right here that you can drink that will put you to sleep in a sleep-like death. I'll see if I can contact the king, and then he'll come to kiss you, cause it can only be really cured by true love's kiss. Then you two will run off back to Auradon, happily ever after, bada boom bada bing. By then the wedding will surely have been cancelled. See, great plan. What do you say?" Yen Sid asked. 

"Yes. I'll take it." Mal said. She snatched the potion from his hands and ran all the way to her bedroom in Maleficent Manor.

Soon came their wedding day, and Mal put on her wedding dress. She then pulled out the potion and drank it, collapsing to the floor into a deathly sleep.

A few minutes later after Mal collapsed, there was thundering steps and then Maleficent screaming, "Nooooooooooo! What has she done? She ruined my most evil plan ever!" Maleficent checked Mal's pulse. 

"She's...she's...DEAD?!" Maleficent exclaimed. More thundering up steps.

 "What? Mal's DEAD?" Anthony shouted. 

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