Chapter 4

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Disclaimer: I do not own Disney Descendants or Romeo and Juliet.


It had been a week since the last time Ben saw his new girlfriend. Being busy with school and his kingly duties, after being crowned king, he didn't have any extra time to take trips to the isle. But Audrey did.

Being his ex-girlfriend, Audrey visited the Isle almost every day to see Gil. She had a bridge key that she took to be able to cross the border between Auradon and the Isle of the Lost. Maybe, Ben thought, Audrey could bring Mal to Auradon!

The next day, Audrey brought the purple-haired girl to Auradon. Before Audrey could ask her if she wanted to come to Auradon, Mal tried to force Audrey to take her with the princess. Audrey agreed, but it meant that Gil would want to come along too.

When Ben got out of one of his meetings, he saw that Audrey was waiting outside. 

"What's up, Audrey?" Ben asked. Audrey smiled. 

"Oh, just that I brought your girlfriend to Auradon along with Gil," she said. 

"Really? Where's Mal!" Ben shouted. Audrey grabbed his hand and pulled him towards her dorm room.

She motioned for him to come inside and was immediately attack-hugged by Mal. 

You're here!" Ben laughed, hugging her back. 

"Yeah. I kind of had to force Audrey to take me, it's like you've been busy or something!" Mal said. 

"I got crowned King of Auradon," Ben said.

 "Yep, that explains it," Mal said. 

"I'm going to clear a few hours from my schedule to go on a picnic with you," Ben said. 

"...a picnic?" Mal asked, raising an eyebrow. "

Yeah, it's where you sit outside and eat food, and talk, and have fun." Ben said.

 "I've...never been on one of those before," Mal said. "

You're telling me, that you've never had strawberries before?" Ben asked. 

"What are strawberries?" Mal asked. "

Then you HAVE to go on this picnic now." Ben said, grinning. 

"What. Are strawberries." Mal asked again. 

"You'll find out." Ben chuckled.

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