Chapter 10

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Disclaimer: I do not own Disney Descendants, Becky, Eddie, or Romeo and Juliet. 


Once Audrey and Gil reached Auradon, they sprinted all the way to Ben's castle. But he wasn't there. Then they ran all the way to his dorm room. But he wasn't there. It turns out, that Ben was still in the hospital wing, getting dressed and all that in there.

"Are you ready?" Audrey asked. 

"Yeah, how do I look?" Ben asked. He was wearing a blue suit and tie, like what he wore at his coronation. 

"Dashing. Now come on, let's go! Damsel in distress? Girlfriend to kiss? Et cetera?" Audrey asked. 

"Right, right. Let's go!" Ben said. They all ran to the bridge, but Fairy Godmother was waiting for them. 

"And where do you think you're going? Gil, you're not supposed to be here," she said.

 "Damsel in distress! Mal is in an endless sleep like death! Can only be awoken with true love's kiss." Ben panted.

 "He's their only hope, FG! Please, PLEASE let us save her!" Audrey pleaded. Fairy Godmother sighed. 

"Okay, but only because Maleficent would wreak havoc on me if you didn't." The threesome cheered. Audrey activated the bridge remote, and the three of them went to go save Mal.

Meanwhile, Anthony Tremaine was waiting in Bargain Castle(apparently what Maleficent's house is really called) for Ben to come, along with Maleficent herself. But what the Tremaine boy didn't know was that once Ben kissed Mal, Maleficent was going to stab Ben with the dagger in her cape and kill him, forcing Mal to marry once more.

And sure enough, when Ben, Audrey, and Gil arrived at Bargain Castle, Maleficent led Ben to where Mal was asleep on her bed, and as soon as Ben kissed Mal, hard, Maleficent stabbed Ben in the chest with the dagger. Ben collapsed to the floor in a heap. Suddenly, Mal's eyes fluttered open. 

"Ben? Where are you?" she asked, sitting up. But then she saw the bloodied dagger in her mother's hand and Ben, unmoved, lying on the floor.

"NOOOOOOOOOO! BEN! BEN! WAKE UP!" she screamed. She looked at her mother and pointed a shaking finger at her. 

"What have you DONE?" Mal shrieked. Maleficent frowned. This wasn't exactly the reaction she was looking for. She glanced at Mal with a pitying look. Mal was bawling on the floor.

Ben's eyes opened at slits. 

"Mal..." he said, weakly. 

"Ben! Ben, you're alive! Oh, please tell me that you'll be okay!" she exclaimed. But then Maleficent stabbed Ben again in the chest. Ben smiled at her weakly, "Mal. I'll always love you. But my time is up." he said, closing his eyes again. 

"No. NO! DON'T LEAVE ME, BEN! PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME!" Mal screamed. She looked at her mother with a furious look. She yelled a battle cry and started to wrestle her mother for the bloodied knife. But then, somehow, when the two were fighting, the knife ends up being stabbed in defense. Mal stared in horror at the knife in her chest.

 "No," Maleficent whispered. Tears came to Mal's eyes. 

"WHAT HAVE I DONE!" Maleficent screamed. She dropped down to the floor and started wailing.

Anthony rolled his eyes. He crouched over by Mal and pulled out the knife. But he stared in horror as Mal's eyes fluttered shut, and her pulse slowly faded. 

"No. No, no, no, no, NO!" Anthony said. He pointed a shaking finger at Maleficent.

 "WHY WOULD YOU KILL YOUR OWN DAUGHTER?" he yelled. Maleficent had a blank expression on her face. She was still mourning over Mal's death. 

"You're a madwoman. You're crazy! You belong in a mental hospital!" he exclaimed. She said nothing.

"But I think I know a better way to resolve this. Why don't you join your daughter in the afterlife?" he asked, an evil grin on his face as he picked up the bloodied knife.

She stared at him with a relieved look.

 "It would bring me true joy to live happily with my daughter in the afterlife," she said softly. Anthony stared in surprise. Maleficent saw his look. 

"I wasn't always a villain, you know. None of us were until we were hurt by someone or something that made us want to do something bad against whoever had hurt us. And then we were brought to this island because the people that hurt us had won." she said. Anthony was still surprised. 

"Who...who were you hurt by?" he asked her. Maleficent gave him a small smile. 

"Would you like to know?" she asked. Anthony nodded. 

"King Stefan. When he was 12, and before he even married his wife, he came to visit me in the moors, and we fell in love. But then he cut off my wings and gave them to the king for his daughter's hand, and so I felt immediate hatred for that man because my wings were the one possession that I loved." she said. Anthony put down the knife. 

"So you're telling me, that every single villain on the isle has been hurt at some point, and that's why they're villains now?" he asked.

 "Yes," Maleficent replied. He dropped the knife. It cluttered to the floor. 

"I understand. I truly do, I understand now," he said.

There was silence for a little bit. 

"I should probably call Fairy Godmother for a funeral," Maleficent said. Screeching as loud as she could, she said, "THERE'S BEEN A MISTAKE! WE NEED A DOUBLE FUNERAL, IMMEDIATELY!" Fairy Godmother poofed into Maleficent's home not long after Maleficent called. 

"Oh, my!" she exclaimed, seeing Mal and Ben's dead bodies on the floor. 

"Who did this?" she asked. Maleficent hung her head. 

"I did. Ben's death was kind of on purpose, but Mal's death was an accident. I was furious with the fact that Ben was Mal's true love, and so in response, I stabbed him, twice, but then when Mal wrestled me for the knife, in defense, I accidentally stabbed her. But the fact that their love was very true, I think that they should be buried together." Maleficent said. Fairy Godmother nodded her head in understanding.

 "I agree. And you will not be punished for your actions, Maleficent." She paused for a moment, then said, "You told him of your past, didn't you?" she said. Maleficent nodded. 

"He needed to know at some point," she said.

The next day, Auradon and the Isle were reunited as one country. Because of the death of two beloved teens, the two islands joined as one to mourn over their deaths. All of the villain parents became good once more when they found out of Maleficent's confession of her revenged past to Anthony. The villain kids eventually became good with the help of Fairy Godmother's Goodness 101 classes. But the fact that Mal was dead as well as Ben, that didn't exactly bring up anyone's spirits.

At the funeral, the last words said in mourning of Mal and Ben's death was made by Yen Sid. 

"Think of Mal and Ben as Juliet and Romeo. They were truly in love with each other, no matter what that connection was. For never was a story of more woe than this of Juliet and her Romeo."

This is not the end of the chapter!

I'm sure you're all wondering: what happened to Becky and Eddie? Well, Audrey still searched all over for those two. But what she didn't know was that King Beast and Queen Belle took them to the castle for a tea party. But, didn't Audrey check the castle for Becky and Eddie? Well, the royal family and Eddie came out right after Audrey had checked the grounds of the castle. You see, Audrey had checked her watch and noticed that she was late to meet Gil on the Isle when she was looking for Becky and Eddy on the castle grounds of King Beast and Queen Belle's castle. SO she had to rush all the way to the bridge between the Isle and Auradon, because she knew that, if she was even the tiniest bit late to meet Gil, he would start to freak out and worry about her. At least, the two 3-year-olds are now safe.

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