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Disclaimer: I do not own Disney Descendants or Romeo and Juliet. 


13 years later after Ben and Mal's deaths, it is the day that Becky becomes Queen of Auradon.

Everyone gets ready for her coronation: Her parents, Ben's friends, Mal's friends, her friends, the maids and servants from her castle, pretty much the entire kingdom. First off, there's Jane, daughter of the Fairy Godmother, who is the one that sets everything up for the coronation and plans all the events leading up to the coronation. Like, for example, what Becky and Eddie's carriage is going to look like. Or the events being shown on television that happened before the coronation, like when Eddie gave Becky his ring, and when Eddie asked Becky to be his girlfriend. Second, there's Lonnie, daughter of Mulan, Carlos, son of Cruella De Vil, Jay, and Audrey, who are the decorating committee. They follow the color scheme that Becky tells Jane is appropriate for the ceremony. Uma, daughter of Ursula, is in charge of making the cake for the afterparty of the ceremony. Chad, son of King Charming, is in charge of making sure that no villain kids make any rogue mistakes, like trying to steal the wand and turning evil. And in case any villains DO go rogue, they have the volunteered bodyguards for Becky. Harry, son of Captain Hook, Eddie, son of Ariel and Eric, Anthony Tremaine, Jay, and Chad himself.

Soon came the day of the coronation. That morning, Evie, daughter of the (once)evil queen, fitted Becky into her dress, helping her with the zipper and everything. The dress was, of course, blue, but it also had golden-yellow outlines, a golden-yellow neckline, and a golden-yellow beaded waistline. Becky gasped at how amazing it looked. She told Evie that she'd rather just have her hair down instead of in some kind of updo.

When Becky got out to the carriages, she immediately spotted Eddie at their carriage. As he patiently waited, his attention was on the carriage. Would it be safe? Is it okay for them to ride alone? What about- 

"Eddie!" Becky exclaimed as she walked over to where he was. His eyes quickly darted over to Becky, and they widened in amazement. When she finally reached him, he said, "You look amazing." Becky smiled. 

"Thanks. You look amazing too," she said, in a teasing way. Eddie smiled. 

"What I meant was, you look breathtaking. I was in shock the entire time you walked over here." He reached out and grasped Becky's hands, looking dreamily into her eyes. 

"Oh, Eddie. You didn't have to say that," she replied, staring right into his eyes. 

"Becky, I've known you since we were three years old, and we've been best friends ever since. We're even more than best friends now," he said. 

"And when I saw you coming outside and walking down here in that dress, I thought, wow, you're beautiful. And just know that-" At that very moment, Becky reached up and kissed Eddie. 

"You know, every time you ramble on about how much you loved seeing me come over here, it only makes me love you more," she said. Eddie smiled. 

"Really? Cause I feel the same way about you," he said.

 "You do? Oh shoot, we're going to be late for the coronation if we don't get in right now!" Becky exclaimed. The two of them scrambled into the carriage and the carriage took off at top speed, rushing to get to the coronation. Their vehicle slowed down once they got closer to the crowd of civilians wanting to see her and Eddie as they walked up to the podium where the ceremony took place.

Becky walked the long way all the way to the podium where Fairy Godmother and Jane were standing. Becky's parents were on the other side of them. The wand in Jane's hand, at ready to crown Becky as the queen of Auradon. 

"Do you solemnly swear to govern the people of Auradon fairly, and as one justified union?" Jane asked. Becky nodded. 

"Yes," she said. 

"Then I hereby grant myself the power to crown you the new Queen of Auradon! Congratulations!" Jane said. Queen Belle placed the queen's crown on Becky's head, and everyone cheered. Eddie stepped up and gave Becky a kiss. She hugged him, grinning.

"Want to go to that fancy restaurant later? I'll pay." Eddie whispered. 

"Yeah. It sounds like a nice break from the paparazzi and the citizens' screams." Becky replied. The two of them laughed as they walked to the afterparty.

The night was filled with dancing, laughing, chatting, and eating cake. Everyone had fun, and this coronation was a night to remember.

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