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Caleb's eyes opened slowly. He braced himself for the pain to wash through his body. A dull ache spread from his head to his feet, but it wasn't as debilitating. It was surprising—and a bit concerning. How could a few hours have such an effect? After what Caleb had gone through, he didn't expect to feel good. And comparatively speaking, that was how he felt.

Light penetrated his right eye, and then his left. After the tracers disappeared, his gaze focused on Doc.

"That's it. Come on back now." He folded his hands in his lap. "Do you know where you are?"

Caleb nodded. "A place called Sanctuary."

"Do you know why you're here?"

Caleb's gaze found True and Venger standing behind Doc. "We were attacked on the road."

"Who was attacked on the road?"

"Me and my ... companion."

The light flashed briefly into his eyes again. "Everything checks out for me. How are you feeling?"

Caleb leaned forward. "Better."

"Better enough to get yourself cleaned up?"

The thought of a shower sounded amazing. He looked down at the dried blood on his clothes and imagined how much was caked in his hair and on his skin.

"Yeah. I'd like to try."

"Okay. Venger will accompany you to make sure you're safe."

Caleb pushed his eyebrows together. "Like in the shower?"

Visions of gym class and the locker room at his old high school ran through his mind. Showering in an open area with his classmates had been awkward and uncomfortable, and he knew most of them. He couldn't imagine how weird it would be with a stranger watching him.

Doc chuckled. "No. He'll keep his distance." He grabbed Caleb's hand with the IV and removed the tubing and needle.

As Doc stood, Venger approached with a wheelchair. Delicately, Caleb swung his legs over the side of the bed and with help, made it into the seat. Again, he expected pain to wrack his body, but it never came. He sighed with relief.

"Why don't you leave your shoes here? You'll be back to get them after you've showered." Venger spoke over Caleb's shoulder.

Caleb slipped the shoes off his feet and let them clunk onto the floor near his bed. He couldn't help but notice they no longer looked new. They were splattered with blood and dust, but they would still be able to perform. Caleb would still be able to run in them.

As Venger pushed him through the room, Caleb noticed Samuel was no longer across from him. A moment of curiosity passed through him, but he pushed it away.

No reason to worry about him. He only holds you back.

Caleb made it a point to take in his surroundings. After leaving the hospital room, they entered a hall. Sunlight spilled onto the white-tiled floor from high windows. Wooden doors with small windows were evenly spaced down the length. At the end of the hall was a metal door. Venger pushed Caleb toward it. Sunlight blinded and warmed Caleb as Venger pushed the wheelchair outside. When he could see, he was awed by the sight. Canyon walls rose above him on both sides and wound away from him into the distance. Nestled against the walls were more metal buildings of various sizes, along with some wooden structures possibly sheds or tiny houses. A thin layer of yellow dust covered everything. Venger pushed Caleb slowly down a pathway made of flattened rocks. The sand had drifted in piles in some of the cracks between the stones.

"I thought maybe some fresh air would help wake you up before you climbed into the shower," Venger explained.

Caleb nodded. He wasn't exactly in a position to argue. It wasn't like he was going to jump out of the chair and run for it—even though he really wanted to do. Venger controlled where Caleb went which made him incredibly uncomfortable.

Edge of Humanity: Book 2 in the Saving Humanity SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now