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Caleb still sat next to Samuel's bed when Dr. Maudas entered the lab the next morning. He stepped through the door and surveyed the damage, placing his hands on his hips. He spun slowly to take it all in. When his gaze fell on Caleb, his jaw muscles tightened. Caleb leaned an elbow on the mattress, trying to act nonchalant. Anxiety coursed through him. He didn't know what was going to happen or exactly how Dr. Maudas was going to react. But if he needed to, Caleb was going to use Samuel as leverage.

"Do you feel better?" He pointed his open palms at the floor and circled his hands in front of him. Dr. Maudas kept his voice calm, but the red creeping into his cheeks said he was anything but.

Caleb responded by pulling the lid off the blade of the Exacto knife. Once again, it came free with a small pop.

The doctor narrowed his gaze to figure out what was in Caleb's hands. He huffed when he recognized the object. "And just what do you think you are going to do?"

"I don't plan on using it at all. Assuming you cooperate."

Caleb didn't want to hurt anyone, but he would if he had to. He just wanted some answers.

Dr. Maudas folded his arms across his chest.

His pompous attitude. Caleb wanted to knock the doctor down a few pegs. He shook his head.

"I guess you're not aware of how serious this situation is." He turned to Samuel.

The head of the bed rose with a soft whirring sound until Samuel was almost completely upright. He waved feebly at his grandfather.

Dr. Maudas's mouth dropped open. "Samuel? You're awake?" He took a step forward.

Caleb pointed the blade in the doctor's direction. "Not yet."

Dr. Maudas stopped. "I have to check him out. I—"

"He'll be fine for a while. He's been awake for hours."

For the most part, Caleb's words were true. Samuel's condition had improved since first waking up. He was far from being able to climb out of bed on his own, but he had regained some smaller movements and a bit of his strength. He might have been able to speak, but his throat was probably dry. Caleb never got him a glass of water.

Dr. Maudas narrowed his eyes. "You have nothing if you kill him."

With a quick flick of his wrist, Caleb sliced the blade across Samuel's forearm. A thin slice of blood slid its way to the mattress. Both Samuel and Dr. Maudas sucked in sharp breaths.

A sense of satisfaction and revulsion ran through Caleb. He didn't want to hurt Samuel, but at the same time, he did. If anyone deserved it, it was Samuel. He had orchestrated so many of the events bringing Caleb to this point. So many lies, so much deceit. He was the embodiment of Caleb's anger and frustration. Caleb was fully aware Samuel's death wouldn't change anything—he wouldn't gain his freedom, and those who had died wouldn't come back—but Caleb would feel a sense of satisfaction knowing Samuel had paid the ultimate price for his misdeeds. However, he was also aware he would pay too by becoming the object of Dr. Maudas's wrath. He didn't want that either.

Caleb placed the tip of the blade into the pad of his index finger and turned it just enough to draw a drop of blood. He held Dr. Maudas's stare.

"There are worse things than dying."

The doctor took a deep breath and placed his hands behind his back. He stood silently and waited for Caleb to continue.

"I found the other cave."

"Oh? I didn't know I was keeping it a secret."

Still, the doctor had an attitude! Caleb cocked his head to the side and pursed his lips. If the doctor kept up the attitude, Caleb was going to have to up his threats—and he wasn't sure he wanted to. So much would change if he gave in to his desires—and not in a good way. How much of his humanity would he lose turning Samuel?

Edge of Humanity: Book 2 in the Saving Humanity SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now