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Caleb stopped at the edge of the wall where the building had been torn apart. His eyes had adjusted to the brightness outside, and he saw the humans positioning themselves in various places with their guns pointed at the gaping hole. They would open fire on the RBZs the moment they had a clear shot. He didn't want to save the undead creatures, but he wasn't sure if the attack would have any effect. Venger's handgun couldn't penetrate their skull, what if these couldn't either?

Caleb didn't have any allegiance to the people living here. He wouldn't even know about this place if he hadn't been attacked. Still, he didn't want to see them viscously slaughtered. He had no doubt pumping the RBZs full of hot lead would send the undead into a destructive, unstoppable rage.

As he stood there weighing his options, he was shoved roughly from behind. He turned to take in the large creature. It was the desiccated one; its lips curled into a snarl. It pointed out the opening.

"You realize you're walking into the line of fire, right?" Caleb didn't attempt to keep the contempt out of his voice. The creature probably had no idea what was going on outside. It may have had some intelligence, but it didn't have enough to fully comprehend the situation. It certainly didn't have any fear. It probably didn't bother the creature one bit to step into the line of fire. It was already dead.

The creature responded with a "Huh," then pointed again.

Caleb bit his bottom lip and held the creature's gaze. "There's no reason for anyone to die. Give me a second to talk them down."

The RBZ cocked its head to the side and stared at Caleb. It appeared to be contemplating his words. His mind drifted to the conversation he and Samuel had in the pizza place when Samuel told him the RBZs had the mental capacity of a four-year-old. So it could understand what Caleb said, but he highly doubted the creature could comprehend the consequences of any of its actions. If it truly was like a four-year-old, it acted on a whim.

They stood in silence, staring at each other for several long moments. Eventually, the creature lifted its head and straightened up. With its chin, it gestured toward the opening. Caleb readjusted Venger's weight.

"Wait here until I say to move." He said the words slowly and loudly to the RBZ before turning toward the hole in the wall.

"You should let my people destroy them," Venger whispered.

"If I had a guarantee they could, I would let them. But you saw what happened when you shot it."

"Good point."

The pair stepped into the sunlight. The warmth and brightness instantly surrounded Caleb, filling him with despair and heartache. Normally, the sun gave him welcome release from the darkness, but now it illuminated how he would never be free of the blackness. They were surrounded by guns. Thankfully, none of them were pointed at him, but there was enough firepower to take down a small zombie horde. The thought of grenades or other explosives being able to take the RBZs down crossed Caleb's mind, but he quickly dismissed it. They would also cause untold damage to the buildings and potentially the canyon walls, causing an avalanche. It wasn't worth the risk.

It's not worth it. Give them Samuel, then get out.

Caleb nodded mentally. It was the best escape plan he was going to get at the moment. He would be stupid not to take it.

When they made it halfway across the street, True and a couple others relieved Caleb of his burden.

"What happened?" Her forehead wrinkled as her eyebrows pushed together. The corner of her lips turned downward.

"I'm fine," Venger croaked.

"That's a bunch of bull." True fixed her gaze on Caleb. "What happened?"

"It's a long story, and we don't have a lot of time."

Edge of Humanity: Book 2 in the Saving Humanity SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now