the baby race (like the cold war, but with less communism and fewer nukes)

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Raiden knew that upon enrollment in the School for Good, he was supposed to forsake all of his bad habits. Sarcasm, snap judgements, laughing at things he wasn't supposed to laugh at, and doing wheelies in his chair were now all things of the past. He was supposed to go in with a clean slate and come out a new man. That said, he didn't really feel like becoming a new man. And, as a general rule, he never liked doing what he was supposed to do. As such, his first thought upon entering the entrance was not something excited or awed or appreciative.

It was Christ, I hate confetti.

A huge banner proclaiming Welcome, New Evers! in shimmering silver thread was draped between the Honor and Purity staircases. Pink and blue balloons floated aimlessly about, strings trailing in the layer of confetti spread over the pristine floor. He'd be spending a few hours later picking that out of his wheels, then. A cluster of white-clothed tables dominated the centre of the hall, each holding a storybook and a scattering of themed snacks.Cinderella was open to the page of her wedding to her Prince, and tiny pumpkin pies were laid neatly out around it, Snow White featured apple fritters (was that in poor taste?) and sugar diamonds, Hansel and Gretel was featured with tiny pots of fancy chocolates... all promoting Good's most high profile victories.

Starting the indoctrination early, clearly.

Sighing, he rolled his chair forwards, and was immediately approached by a towering nymph.

"Raiden of Walleye Spring?"

Raiden craned his neck back to look up at her, resenting how she'd not bothered to stand further away. "Yes?"

"Your books and uniform."

"Very efficient," Raiden mused as a wicker basket was deposited none-too-gently in his lap.

"New leadership," the nymph said vaguely as she drifted away. Raiden frowned, remembering the letter from Sora that had arrived this morning. Interesting. Especially as this was reminiscent of the low budget Welcoming he'd seen at Sora's first year visiting weekend.

He turned towards the tables and found, unsurprisingly, that he was one of the first here. Aside from liking to be early, getting places before the scheduled time gave him more time to maneuver steps, doors, or uneven ground. Right now, there were only two other students standing around; a girl at one of the tables a little way away, picking through the food lethargically, and a boy hovering nearby. Both beautiful, obviously--the girl was short and curvy, with a flawless dark complexion and a sweet face, whilst the boy was probably at least six feet tall and heavily muscled, with a messy blond ponytail that managed to make him look carefree and dashing, rather than dishevelled. Typical. Did Evers like this even have a bad angle--?

The boy caught Raiden's eye and beamed, immediately bounding over to talk to him.

"Hi! We're the first two Everboys here! Nice to meet you, I'm Jackson of Bremen, what's your name?" He snatched up Raiden's hand in his significantly larger one and shook it enthusiastically. Raiden blinked, somewhat blinded by the sheer force and size of his smile, which seemed to take up the majority of his tan face.

"Raiden," he said, slightly taken aback by his immense enthusiasm. "of Walleye Spring."

"Oh, yeah," Jackson dropped his hand and grinned sheepishly, fiddling with his blonde ponytail. "I know that. I just memorised a specific greeting I was gonna say to everyone, so I wouldn't embarrass myself."

"...right," said Raiden, faintly bemused and endeared in equal measure, staring up at this gigantic muscular boy. "Er, how do you know who I am?"

"Ah, it's embarrassing, mate," Jackson rubbed his jaw awkwardly. "My little sister reads Teen Woods and she shows it to me like, all the time, right? And you're in it quite often. So...I know your face."

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