harold, they're lesbians

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"Oh, good," said Ros from beneath a blue willow as Marcus approached the flag marked with a 4. "I was worried you'd died in Swordplay."

"Ha, ha," Marcus said flatly, casting an eye over the rest of the students milling around under the flag. He was early, but they were all definitely Evers. "...are you the only Never in this group?"

"No," said Ros, offering him some mint she'd pulled from a bush. "I'm just punctual. Everyone else is too busy trying to terrorise a hedgehog they found."

Marcus crushed it between his fingers, frowning at her. Ros raised her eyebrows innocently at him.


"Haven't you just had Uglification? I heard some Nevers talking about it, but you look very... normal."

Rosalind smirked. "Funny you should mention that...but you go first. How were your first few days?"

Marcus knew this was Rosalind's attempt at making sure he wasn't utterly bereft with homesickness and despair. It seemed odd that she hadn't had the chance to ask, yet. Technically, they could have approached each other at lunch any of the past few days, but it seemed that Evers stuck with Evers and Nevers stuck with Nevers. Alex had assured him that people started crossing over after the first few weeks, and Raiden had reported the same claim from Sora, so it hopefully wouldn't last much longer.

In all honesty, he was feeling better than he'd expected. The constant companionship of Raiden and Chinhae had staved off most of the loneliness he'd been expecting, and the lessons had been more of a mixed bag than a total mess.

He shrugged. "Haven't had everything yet, but History is good--"

"Hort's a trash teacher," said Rosalind, cramming some more leaves in her mouth. Marcus sighed.

"Yes, he's not great, but the content is interesting enough."

"Goes into more detail than our tutors ever did," said Ros.

"Wonder why," muttered Marcus, knowing full well that Rosalind and Alex between them had been responsible for most of their tutor's early resignations.

"And Swordplay?" prodded Rosalind. "Wasn't that the other day?"

Marcus made a non-committal noise. "It was just all these different stations to try and test our proficiency. Espada sat in his chair and shouted at us, until he had a nap halfway through. I did decently in the knife work and shooting, and well in the tactical section. Average to bad with everything else."

"How about your opponents?"

"...my classmates, Ros? We're not fighting anyone yet."


"I don't know..." Marcus thought about it briefly. "Raiden's a really good shot, with both crossbow and flintlock."

"So his best buddy Sam has been telling me."

"You know Sam?"

"She's my roommate," said Ros. "She's over with Raiden, look."

Marcus followed her gaze and, sure enough, Sam and Raiden were visible under group 5's banner, clearly arguing about something. Chinhae stood next to them, looking resigned. Whoever had put Sam and Raiden in the same group had made a severe miscalculation. They clearly hated one another.

Shaking his head, he turned back to Ros. "Well, Chae's good at everything, but we know that's because Jun had him trained in everything, in case he got kidnapped."

Be Gay, Do Crimes: Ros Vs Everything, ApparentlyWhere stories live. Discover now