when you hear them sing

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Hanako-kun: Ghost by Alan Walker and Au/ra

You walk in the restroom only to hear him singing quietly to himself. You thought it was adorable so you stayed silent and listened to him sing the whole song. After he was done you clapped and said "Bravo Hanako"
"Ah Y/N Wh-What are you doing in here!" "I have to clean the restroom don't I?" "Oh yeah, well just pretend you didn't hear that" "how could I it was amazing!" "Can you song for me sometimes?" "Uh y-yeah sure just don't tell anyone" "alright"

Tsukasa: Twisted by Misso

Of course he'd sing some crazy things. He was singing in the Broadcasting room when you walked in and you just stood there for a moment. He turned around still singing then notices you. "OH!" "Y/N CHAN" "yes it's me." "why?" "I-i" "did you hear me?" "Of course I did" "don't tell anyone" "maybe I won't maybe I will idk yet" "I suggest if you wanna keep your voice you stay quiet cuz after I'm done doing what I'm about to do to you your gonna wanna shut up" he says in a suductive tone. "Okay okay!" "Good girl"

Kou: Gibberish by Max

He was home alone and was cooking dinner. You decided to  go to his house to hang out or something. You walk up to his house and put the key in and enter the house. Kou told you where the extra hey was it was under the flower pot. You walk in quietly and see him cooking and hear him singing. You stop and listen. He then turns around to get the flour and sees you standing there. "AHHH OH WHAT THE HE-!" he says as he slips and drops the flour causing it to fill the kitchen. "Kou are you ok?!" "Yeah just got flour all over me". "Your a great singer ya know" "please don't tell anyone" "alright, now let's clean this is up".

Teru: Pity party by Melanie Marteniez (Male version)

He was doing work in the student council office and you were gonna walk in to give him the test results. You hear someone singing down the hall. You walk closer and find out that it's coming from the student council office. You lean on the door to listen better. You lean in a little too close and the door opens and you fall. It startled Teru and he screamed. "EEEEEP!" "Oh- h-hi Y/- Y/N-Chan" he says face as red as a tomato. "I was just coming in to bring you the test results." "Oh w-well I'll get alright to work to those, thanks" "yeah no problem I'm just gonna leave and pretend like I didn't hear you singing" "oh ok by- wait you heard me?!" "Yup" "Oh my ghost, please don't tell anyone" "I'm not...maybe" "Y/NNNNN" He says with his scary tone and face. "OkayGotItIWon'tTellAnyone!" "Good bye bye now"

Mitsuba: S.L.U.T By Bea miller

He was on the roof and you were walking up there to go talk to him. When your half way on the steps you hear a voice. You run up the steps and
See Mustibia sitting on the bench taking pictures of the sky. "MITSUBABE!" "AAAAAAHHH!"  YOU DIDN'T TELL ME YOUCWERE A GREAT SINGER!" "I uh well"  "how long were you standing there" "Like for 30 seconds"'"Dude we should start a band!" "I'll go tell the others" "Y/N please don't" "Too late" "KOU, NENE-CHAN, HANAKO-KUN!" "Y/N-CHAN NOOOOOOO!"

Akane: Mrs Potatao head  by Melnaie Marteniez (Male version)

He was just sitting on the bus in the back and you happened to hear him singing to himself with his earbuds in looking out the window. You get in the seat in front of his so he can't see you. you listen until he gets to the best part then you start singing with him and sit beside him. You out your hand on top of his he looks at you then continues singing. You guys start to sing in sync  "No one will love you if your unattractive." "Oh Mrs Potatao head tell me is it true that pain is beatuy does a new face come with a warranty" "will a pretty face make it better" You guys keep singing until the song was over and pretty much the whole bus looking at you two and recording. After you both finish they all clap. Akane blushes an little and looks away. "we make a great duet don't we?" You ask "yeah I guess" "you song really well Y/N-Chan" "Me?!" "Dude you sing like an angel your voice is so beautiful" "aww thanks" he says before leaning in to kiss you on your cheek. You guys arrive at the school and go to class

Alright I hope that was enough for you guys. Just a quick chapter and also I am acceptting request.💞

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