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My daughter was begging to be let outside and into the woods. I was weary of letting her out by herself but her mother assured me that  nothing would happen. She knew how far to go without getting lost and the moment she went further then she was suposed to go her wood privlages would be revoked. Even at the young age of four years old, she knew her limits she just couldn't open the door by herself. I smiled and opened the door for her.
"You know the rules."
She smiled and said "Yes daddy! I won't go too far in."
She ran out of the house and I watched as she went to the small clearing that we could see from our house where I had biult a small playground for her when she was just learning to walk. She loved it there. I left the door open so I could keep an eye on her and went back to preping dinner. My wife was the cook I was just the prep cook. I heard the front door open and watched my wife come in. She looked at me and smiled.
"I see our little girl is at her hiding spot again."
I chuckled and said "That she is. She's been drawn to the woods for the last few days and it's making me worried."
She kissed me and said "Thank you for being so understanding about...that."
I smiled and said "You can't help what you are darling. I love you for you and no matter what happens I will love Diana for who or what she is."
I looked out the back door and  chuckled. My little girl's long blond hair was blowing in the wind due to her swinging on her small swing. She almost looked like  her mother. Long blond hair, dark green eyes and fair colored skin. She had my face shape, eye shape and nose. She was the perfect blend of the both of us. Except her mother had a white streak in her hair and Diana had a black streak. Part of me was hoping that one random black streak was from me since my hair was coal black but since it was in the same place as her mothers I knew differently. As we finished up dinner I noticed my wife tense up and I looked at her.
"What is it Elizabeth?"
I set the knife down and she said "It's Diana-."
I opened the back door and made it half way to the little park when I my daughter crashed into me.
"Diana what's going on sweetheart? Are you hurt?"
My wife caught up with me and got to her level.
"What are you carrying my sweet?"
She looked up at us and said "Mommy! Daddy! Help it!"
"Help what sweety?"
She looked at me and I got on her level again. I sat crisscross in front of her and she laid a little black fluff ball at my feet. Elizabeth held her and said "What happened?"
She wiped her face and said "I saw her stuck in a trap. Her paw is hurt."
She looked at my wife as she checked out Diana's hand.
"Did she cut herself on the trap?"
"No. What's lying at your feet?"
I looked down at the black thing and picked it up. I moved a little fur and gasped.
"What is it? Is it a wolf cub?"
"No. It's a fox pup. A black one. Looks like her front right paw is in bad shape."
Diana looked up at me and said "Can you help her daddy? It really hurts."
We went back to the house and I took it to my in home office. Being a vet is a good thing in this case. I got the pup comfterble and got to work. As soon as I knew it was safe and taken care of I laid it in the den. Diana ran over to it and started petting it carefully. I looked at my wife and said "Do you think she's a fox shifter?"
She nodded and said "No doubt in my mind."
I sighed and said "Looks like we have another family member."
She smiled and kissed me.
"You are such a good father and husband. Thank you."
She walked over to Diana and said "What's her name?"
She looked down at the pup and said "Allana."
"That's a beautiful name for a beautiful creature."
I made a little bed for the fox pup in Diana's room and  moved her up there. The excitement in my little girl's eyes made me happy. Very happy.

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