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16 years and 364 days later
Diana's POV
I looked down at Allana and said "I can't believe it's almost time!"
She just kinda shook her head and went back to doing her thing. I chuckled and patted her head.
"I'll be back by midnight Allana. Don't want up."
She sneezed and I shook my head. I think she doesn't like me sometimes, but at other times I'm her favorite person. She's like a cat! I went downstairs and my mother looked at me.
"Is it bad? It took me four hours to plan my look for tonight."
She smiled and said "No it's not bad. You look good. Just don't let your dad catch you wearing that out in public. You know he'll have a fit."
I shook my head and said "Don't worry mom."
She looked at me and said "How did you do on your pop quiz in English?"
I grabbed it out my backpack and showed it to her.
"Do you even have to ask?"
I set it on the table and she looked at it.
"I'm so proud of you honey! Although at this point I don't even  know why I dout you."
I smiled and heard the front door open. My dad came in and kissed mom. He looked at me and said "Where are you going dressed like that?"
I laughed and said "A party. Lizzy and Amanda are throwing it for me since it's my birthday tomrrow."
He raised and eyebrow and said "That's tommrow? How old are you going to be? 21?"
"Then why are you dressed like you're 21?"
I shook my head and said "This is still modest. Have you seen how 14 year olds dress nowdays?"
He frowned and said "I have and I don't approve."
I kissed his cheek and grabbed my purse.
"Do you have your pepper spray?"
"Wallet? Keys?"
"Yes mother."
"Your swich blade?"
"Yes dad."
My dad gave me something else to add to my weapons arsonal.
"A taser? Dad-."
"Take it. If you insist on dressing like that I want you to be as protected as possible."
I took it and tucked it into my purse.
"If the pepper spray and knife doesn't scare off my attacker the taser will do the job. Dad the only thing I don't have in my purse is a small handgun."
He raised an eyebrow and said "You are premitted to carry one. Would you like me to get you one?"
I shook my head and said "No thanks. I'm pretty sure if I get busted with a taser I'll end up in prison since it's illegal to carry a taser and a switch blade."
"We've got your bail money."
I shook my head and kissed him again.
"I'll see you at 11?"
He glared at me and I said "It's my birthday party! You can at least let me stay out until then. I'll be home at midnight."
I pouted and he said "Is your phone fully charged?"
"Yes dad."
"You remember the rules about parties?"
I nodded and said "Don't get in the car with a drunk driver, if I'm driving to the party don't drunk drive. Either call you, mom or a cab no matter what time it is you'll come get me if I don't feel comfterble catching a cab. If I can't get a hold of you find a room with a lock and sleep at the house with the door locked at all times. If something happenes at the party call the cops and lock myself in a room. Did I forget anything?"
"Yes. The most important one."
I sighed and said "Under no circumstances am I to have sex with anyone."
"Good girl."
I had to mess with them.
"What about another girl?"
They glared at me and I laughed.
"Fine! No sex with anyone!"
They shook their heads and dad said "Have fun."
I looked at my mom and she shrugged. I kissed them one last time and went to my car.

I drove to my bestfriend Amanda's house. I smiled and said "Who's ready to party bitches?!"
Amanda laughed and said "You look sexy! Justien won't be able to keep his hands off of you tonight."
Justien James is the most popular boy in school. No he's not a football player, he's actually the bad boy of the entire school and he's been trying to get into my pants for the last six months and I've rejected him the whole time. I blushed and said "That's one of my parent's rules Amanda. Abousoulty no sex."
"So...no sex. How about a make out session? A little hand action. It's not sex if he's not sticking anything in you."
I shook my head and said nothing. The party started and it was fun.
"Happy birthday Diana."
I turned around and stepped back.
"Thanks Justien."
He looked at my cup and said "Need a refill?"
"I can get it."
"Don't be silly. How would it look that the birthday girl gets her own drink. What were you drinking?"
I was unsure but he was actually trying to be a gentlemen. I smiled and said "Captien and Coke."
He smiled and grabbed my cup.
"I'll be right back Diana."
He walked away and Amanda smiled at me.
"Well look at Mr.James trying to be  gentlemen."
"Should I be worried?"
"No. He might be turning a new leaf."
"How many drinks have you had?"
She scoffed and said "You need to catch up girlie! If you need a place to crash my room is always avalible."
I hugged her and said "Thanks. I'll try to get ahold of someone before then though. As long as it's okay to leave my car parked in front of your house for the night."
She laughed and said "Girl that's your designated parking spot."
I smiled and Justien was back. He handed me my cup. I smelled it and he said "Why do you do that?"
"Do what?"
"Smell something before you drink it."
I smiled and said "It's one of my wierd habbits."
He laughed and said "Okay."
I took a sip and we danced. Halfway through the class and he said "Let's sit down and talk."
"Sounds nice."
We sat down and talked. He was actually a funny guy.  I started feeling dizzy and set the drink down.
"You okay?"
"Just a little dizzy."
He smiled and said "Maybe you need a quiet place to relax. Let's get you some water."
He took me to the kitchen and sat me on the counter. He handed me a glass of water and I took small sips.
"Feeling better?"
"A little."
I looked around and noticed the kitchen was empty.
"Where did everyone go?"
"To dance most likely."
I nodded and he grabbed my glass. He set it on the counter and I looked up at him. He kissed me and I kissed back. Maybe I shouldn't have. He helped me off the counter and grabbed my butt under my skirt. I pushed him away and said "N-No."
"No what?"
"I see what your doing. I don't...no."
I was feeling worse.
"Diana come on."
He grabbed my arm and pulled me up stairs to a spare bedroom. I mean I'm a four foot nine, 110 pound girl. Not really hard to overthrow. He shut the door and locked it.
"J-Justien I don't feel well."
"Lay down and relax."
I laid on the bed and he kissed me again. I shook my head and said "No."
He reached for the zipper on the side of my dress and said "You didn't drink enough. I should have let you finish the glass."
I tried to push him away but I couldn't.
"Shh. This won't hurt."
Something happened and I managed to get away. Considering I couldn't see straight that was a victory in itself. I found my purse and got my phone.
"Diana...are you okay?"
I looked at Amanda and shook my head. She grabbed me and took me to her room. She locked the door and looked at me.
"We're you drugged?"
I nodded and closed my eyes.
"You've only had two drinks. How..."
It hit her and she said "Justien got you your second drink."
I didn't even respond. She grabbed my phone and said nothing.

(30 minutes later)
I opened my eyes and saw my mom.
"Hey mom."
She smiled and I looked around. I was still in Amanda's room but it was strangely quiet.
"What happened?"
"Someone drugged your drink."
I sighed and said "Shoot."
"Justien James. He got me another drink and...I was stupid to drink it."
My dad came in and said "She's awake."
I smiled and said "Hey dad."
He came over and said nothing.
"I'm sorry."
"It wasn't your fault."
Amanda smiled and said "I'm going to miss you."
She hugged me and I said "What are you talking about? I'm right here."
She sniffed and mom said "We're moving to Californa."
"Your dad got a raise. He'll be working in that huge animal hosptial."
She smiled and said nothing. A week later we were on our way to California!

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