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My first day at school went well. I made some new friends on top of my other friends and it was just...a lot. I don't really sleep at night anymore. I have nightmares because of...the party so I mostly stay at home now. Sam knows something is wrong but has been nice enough to not ask. We were sitting at lunch the other day when she sat next to me.
"So Diana..."
"Yes Sam?"
"For our history project do you want to work at my house or yours?"
I blushed and said "W-Will your brothers be there?"
"At my house? Yes. Why?"
"N-No reason!"
She smiled and said "They'll be there but I'll make sure they leave us alone while we work, unless you don't want them too."
I buried my head in my arms as I felt my face heat up. I've noticed her brothers over the last few weeks and I've had an undenyable attraction to all six of them. It makes me both scared and slightly aroused. Allana hasn't helped much in that department either. Everytime she see's one of the boys I have to block her dirty thoughts out of my human brain just to save on underwear.
"Your house is bigger. We haven't had a chance to set up wifi in our house yet."
She raised an eyebrow and said "How long have you been living in the house?"
"Almost a month but with me in school and both my parents working during the day no one is home to let the cabel guy in so he can hook everything up. I think mom might be taking a day off next week so they can come."
"Your home most of the time anyway so why don't they come then?"
I looked at my hands and said "After what happened they don't want me home alone with some guys we don't know."
"After what happened?"
I looked at everyone at the table and they looked at me. Sam grabbed my hand and pulled me to the girls bathroom. She checked the stalls and went to lock the door.
I knew I should tell someone and I trusted Sam completely.
"You can't tell anyone. Okay?"
So I told her about my birthday party and she looked horrified.
I sniffed and said nothing. She hugged me and said "Your alright. It was a close call and I see why your scared of being alone or going to parties. But you have me now and I would never let anything happen to you. Okay?"
I nodded and said "Well...I have something to tell you."
I fixed my make up and said "I have this attraction to all of your brothers and it scares me."
She smiled and said "Well...if you ever decied to go through with it your have my blessing. Something tells me you won't meet any type of resistance."
I looked at her and said "Doesn't that make me a whore?"
"No! My mom has six husbands. It's not that uncommen in our community."
"Your mom has six husbands?"
"Yeah. Well techeclly she's legaly married to one by human law but the other five are just as much as her husband as the first one."
I smiled and said "That's kinda cute."
"Isn't it?"
"So you have one mom and six dads? How is that going for you?"
She groaned and said "It's...interesting. My mom and I are the only females in the house. I have 12 over protective men to scare boys away from me."
I smiled and said "They could form a football team."
She laughed and said "They've thought about it."
The bell rang and we went to class.

After school I told my mom I was heading over to Sam's house to start on our project. We pulled up to her house and went inside.
"Mom! Dads I'm home!"
A beautiful woman came down the stairs and said "Hello Sam! How was school?"
"It was school. Mom this is Diana, we have a history project to work on."
She smiled and said "Go on ahead."
I saw six men looking at me and I said "Those must be your dads?"
She looked and nodded.
I waved and said "Hello. I'm Diana."
"Is that her?"
I blushed and Sam said "Yes dads it's her."
They smiled and came over to me.
"Well aren't you a pretty one?"
They were all four times bigger than I was. Normally I would run and hide from being this close to any man but Sam and her mother were right there so I didn't feel so nervous.
"Alright you big goofs back it up. Sam take Diana into your study room and I'll bring you girls a light snack."
"Okay mom. Come on Diana."
I saw the white carpet and took my shoes off. Her mom's eyes lit up and she hugged me.
"Oh your so polite! Maybe you can teach the guys to remove their shoes when they come in!"
Her husbands blushed and said nothing. Sam led me to her study room and I took out my laptop. We started on some reserch and there was a knock on the door.
"Come in mom!"
She opened the door and set the snack on the table.
"Here's your snack girls."
I looked at it and my jaw dropped.
"That's a light snack?"
Sam laughed and said "In this house with seven growing teenagers it's a snack."
I picked up the small sandwhich and said "Thank you."
"You are welcome sweety. I'll let you get back to work."
I smiled and said nothing. She left and Sam said "Let's eat as much as we can. Once my brothers get home they'll smell the food and come devour as much as they can. Greedy bastereds."
I laughed and we ate while we worked. A few minutes later it's like all my senses came to life and I sighed.
"Oh they're home. Quick hide the snacks!"
I didn't make it on time and the door flew open.
"We smell food!"
I moved back to my little corner and hoped they didn't notice me. Before one of them even touched the food they all looked at me. I blushed and looked down at my notes.
"Um...Sam why didn't you tell us Diana was here?"
They glared at her and she smiled.
"We have a project that's due in a few weeks so we'll be working on it here after school. Do you have a problem with that?"
They all looked at me again and I said "I-I should go."
I packed my stuff up but Sam shook her head.
"You stay. Mom! They boys are in my study!"
I heard their mom sigh and she said "I put plenty of snacks in your game room boys! Leave the girls alone!"
They groaned and said "Yes mom."
They all looked at me again and left. One of them even winked at me. I blushed and buried my head into my knees. I heard the door shut and let out the breath I was holding. Sam came over to me and hugged me.
"They would never allow anyone to hurt you Diana. I swear."
"I know but..."
"I get it. Let's keep working."
We kept working and I said nothing.
The door opened and their mom poked her head in.
"It's almost dinner time girls."
I smiled and packed my stuff up.
"Would you like to join us for dinner Diana?"
I was a little shocked.
"I-I don't want to impose."
"Nonesense! We would be happy to have you for dinner whenever you want."
I smiled and said "Let me call my parents and see what they have planned."
I called my mom and she told me it was okay. As long as I'm home before 10. We went downstairs and Sam smiled. All the boys came running down stairs and sat at the table. I was too busy zoning out to realize one of them sat next to me. When I did notice my heart started racing. Either from fear, excitement or both I have no idea. Sam looked at me and said "Diana, would you like to have my seat and I can sit next to Damen?"
I looked at her and she must have seen the fear because she quickly got up and switched seats. She like scooped me up in to her arms and sat me in her seat. I noticed I was sitting in between her and her mother and it helped calm me down. She rubbed my back and I said "Thanks Sam."
We ate dinner and I said nothing. I looked at my phone and said "Thank you for dinner but I should really get going."
Her mom hugged me and said "Your welcome back any time Diana."
"Thank you."
I looked at everyone else and said "Thank you for having me."
"Your welcome back anytime princess!"
I blushed and said "Um...thank you."
I went to the car and drove home.

Sam's POV
I made sure she was out of earshot and closed the door. I turned around and my entire family looked at me.
"Can I help you?"
"What was that?"
"What do you mean?"
"Diana, the moment Damen sat next to her she pretty much had a full blown anxioty attack!"
I shook my head and said "I can't tell you. It's her secret to share not mine."
One of my brothers came over to me and grabbed my arm.
"Do we have to fource it out of you?"
"Alex let your sister go!"
One of my dad's stepped in and Alex let me go. I saw the bruise heal up and I said "I can't tell you. It's none of your buissness!"
"She's our mate! Whatever she does is our buissness."
Mom came over to me and said "Come on Sam."
She took me up to my room and shut the door.
"You can tell me Sam. If Diana needs help it's our job to help her as beta's of the pack."
I guess telling my mom wouldn't be so bad.
"You can't tell dads or the boys."
She nodded and said nothing. I told her what Diana told me and she said "No wonder the boys scare her so much."
I nodded and said nothing.
"We'll just have to make her comfterble again."
"Just show her love and tell her everyday that she's safe."
"Okay mom."
She left the room and I went to bed.

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