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We aced the project with no problems and I've gotten more comfterble around Sam's brothers now. I'm not where I used to be but I'm almost there.
"Wanna come to my house for a sleepover this weekend?!"
I smiled and said "Sure. Tonight?"
"Yes! I had my mom pick up junkfood, soda those little cookies your obssesed with!"
"Oh! I love those cookies!"
"I know that's why I had her pick them up. Plus we have the entire resident evil series and underworld. Not to mention all the fast and ferious. Including the new one."
I smiled and said "This is going to be so cool!"
I hugged her and texted my mom. I think she was happy I was getting out of the house more. My dad was still over protective of me and I completely understood. I went home after school and packed my bag for the weekend. My dad looked at me and smiled.
"Have weekend plans?"
"Yeah. Sleepover at Sam's house."
He glared at and said "Doesn't she have all those men in the house?"
I nodded and said "I won't be alone dad. Sam and her mom will be there the entire time. If something happens that I don't like I'll call you and mom. Okay?"
"Sure thing. Have fun sweety."
I hugged them and got in my car and drove to Sam's house. I walked in and Sam grabbed my arm.
"Let's get upstairs!"
I nodded and followed her to her room. We did typical girl things that we always do at sleepovers. I stood up and said "I have to use the bathroom. I'll be right back."
I went to the bathroom and started walking past the gameroom. I could help it. I peeked inside and seen David playing COD, my most favorite game ever but it's no fun playing alone or without a team. I looked and saw Sam smile at me. She nodded and said "Go play!"
"But it's our sleepover."
"We can do sleepovers whenever you want. Bond with my brothers!"
I blushed and said "Fine. One game and I'm coming back."
"Whatever you say."
I went into the room and said "Need a teammate?"
David looked at me and said "Um...sure."
He tossed me a controler and headset. I got online and we played for a while. Somehow during the game we were on seprate teams and he was kicking my ass. I said "No! No! No fair!"
He laughed and said "Can't handle the heat?!"
I growled and jumped on him.
"What-?! Diana!"
I covered his eyes and he chuckled.
"I'm going to win at least one!"
"This is cheating!"
He laughed and tried playing with his shirt over his eyes. He was still kicking my ass!
"What?! No!"
I somehow ended up sitting on his shoulders using my elbows to keep his shirt over his eyes and he was laughing the entire time.
"What's so funny?!"
"I'm still winning!"
I shook my head and said nothing. I slipped off his shoulders and laid on the couch we were sitting on. He moved his shirt and looked down at me. I glared playfully and said "One day I will win a game against you!"
He leaned in and whispered "Dream on princess."
The nickname sent butterflys to my stomach and heat to my face. He was so close! If I leaned up a little bit we would be kissing. I could feel Allana in my mind going nuts. I don't know what she was saying but I knew she was cheering for me to do it. So I did. I leaned up and kissed him on the lips. A short sweet peck but it was enough to send shocks through my entire body. He looked shocked and I moved back.
"I-I'm sorry. I don't know why I did that."
He didn't say anything and I stood to leave. He grabbed my hand and pulled me back to him. I looked up at him and he kissed me. The shocks returned and I was picked up into his arms. Since he was a good two feet taller than me it was easier this way. I wrapped my arms around his neck and we had a make out session. I shook my head and said "Wait-."
"What is it Diana?"
I laid my forhead on his and said "Your my best friends brother."
"She understands what this is."
I looked into his eyes and said "I don't want to fight this thing between your brothers and you. I want this more than anything but..."
"If you need us to slow down we will go as slow as you need princess. We go on your time not ours."
"Your brothers don't mind?"
"We all know what this is Diana. All of us do but like I said we'll go on your time."
"There's six of you."
"So? Princess no one will judge you."
He hugged me and I sighed.
"Thank you."
I pecked his lips again and he set me down. I fixed my hair and said "I-I'll see you later?"
"See you later."
I walked out the room and went back to Sam's room. She looked at me and I blushed.
"Don't you look...flushed."
I cleared my throat and said "S-Sorry that took so long. I get pretty competive."
"Uh uh. That's what took you three hours?"
She rolled her eyes and said "I told you if you want to go for my brothers I'm okay with that. I encourage it. I won't be mad."
I hugged her and said "Your the best friend a girl could ever want."
She laughed and said "You smell like my brother!"
I blushed and said "Sorry. Things kinda got heated."
She made a face and said "I don't need the details."
I laughed and went to change my clothes.

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