Remember the Past

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Wow I made it into U.A. Kirishima thought to herself, I wonder what middle school me would do if she knew I made it.


"You'll never get into U.A. you're weak!" a kid says while pushing Kirishima to the ground kicking her. "You're ugly face will be lucky to get someone who loves you. You don't even know how to use your quirk." The kid walks away laughing as Kirishima tries to stand but falls back down and just cries.

Time for recess, finally Kirishima thought to herself as she made her way to the reading room. She didn't want to go outside because she knew she'd have to run from her bullies. She walks in to see Mina, all Kirishima does is wave and sits down with her book to read but quirks and Crimson Riot. Mina looks over to Kirishima, "Hey Kiri, I heard you're planning on going to U.A., I am too!" Mina said excitedly. Kirishima looked up "Yeah, I'm hoping to get in the hero course" Kirishima says shyly. Mina's face brightens with excitement "Really, me too! I hope we get in the same class." Kirishima just smiled "Same" she replied in a calm tone. Then the two went back to reading.

When the second half of the day came Kirishima knew she was about to hurt a lot more than before recess. Kirishima goes to walk into her next class only to be met with a wall of bullies. "Oh look, it's puny little Kirishima. Why don't you just disappear or something? No one would miss you anyhow." The tallest of the 3 said. Those words broke Kirishima but in a brave voice she said "Just let me get to class guys." The middle kid then kicked Kirishima's legs out from under her "Yeah right, as if we'll let a pipsqueak like you past us." Kirishima tried to harden her gut before a swift kick met her gut but she wasn't strong enough. The shortest looked at Kirishima "To bad you're so ugly that you'll never find love and you're so weak you'll never be a hero." Those words hit Kirishima like a bullet but the hero part hurt the most. Before Kirishima knew it a strong punch was met at her jaw pushing her into the nearby wall. Suddenly the bell rang and the bullies ran to their classes as Kirishima slowly got up and went to her class.

When she got to class she saw a note taped on her desk, she gingerly took it off to read it and it said "Beware Of Dog" Kirishima didn't say anything she just folded the paper and put it in her backpack. Kirishima thought to herself at least this is the last week of school, only one more day left.

The rest of the day was the same as all the classes before it, then the dismissal bell rang and Kirishima made a sprint to the gate so she could get home quick without getting seen by her bullies but she had no such luck as she was about to reach the exit of the school courtyard she was tugged down by her sleek Raven hair. Before her back made contact with the ground a kick struck the small of her back, "Yo ugly, thought you could out run us? Nice try, you almost made it." The bully said before kicking her again, this time in the face. The bully walked off laughing as Kirishima covered where she was kicked with her hand still on the ground. Then the next thing Kirishima knows is that she is being helped up by someone, Kirishima turned around when fully back on her feet to see Mina, Kirishima was shocked to say the least. "Hey Mina, why'd you help me up?" "Because you're my friend" Mina giggled "Well see ya tomorrow, Kirishima!" Kirishima just waves goodbye to Mina. Kirishima finally gets home and the first thing she does is patch up what injuries she could from the day. Then she goes down to eat the dinner her mom left on the table for her in a container. After Kirishima was full she went up to her room and went to sleep.

The next morning Kirishima gets up and quickly gets ready for school. Kirishima runs to her school in hopes to get into class early so she can hand in her highschool application before anyone else got there. Kirishima then sat at her desk and started to read her book about Crimson Riot. That is until someone slammed her book shut. Kirishima just wanted to go through the day without issue but looks like that's not gonna happen. "Wow a weak girl reading about a strong hero. Don't get your hopes up you aren't going to get into U.A. Hope you put in for another school." The bully slams Kirishima's head into her desk before walking away. Kirishima just sat there in class till the teacher was reading off where each student applied, Kirishima froze when the teacher got to her's "Kirishima is planning on going to U.A. for the hero course!" Everyone looked at Kirishima and laughed. "Weak" "Wannabe hero" "Save me, oh not you" "Ugly" "Tryhard" were the things Kirishima could hear. It broke her, brightside she only had one class today and that was homeroom and it's almost over. Kirishima put her crimson riot book in her bag and just sat there as cruel words hit her like bullets.

•Present Time•

Actually what my bullies would think Kirishima thought. At least now I'm stronger than I was in middle School. I should dye my hair so I can feel like this is a new start Kirishima thought as she was now walking to the store. Kirishima decided she was going to dye her hair red to match her eyes so Kirishima bought the red dye. When Kirishima got home she went up to the bathroom to start dying her hair. 

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