Chapter 5

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Redfur was in his territory and he told his idea to White Sunshine, who agreed, and when they were in one of the meetings, White Sunshine and Redfur started his proclame. Redfur said:
" You are really confortable like that!?"
"NO!!!" the crowd exclaimded.
" It's time for a change!" said White Sunshine.
"It is time to join, and face the enemy! added Redfur.
" But what we will do next?" asked someone in the crowd.
" We'll argue that arrived the time" concluded White Sunshine.
"Everyone agrees?" asked the two cats at the same time.
YES!!!! the crowd shouted.
" Well, then I decrete that we all join" Redfur proclamed
" Together, we will win!!!!" White Sunshine meowed
Then, the spirits of his ancestors of Skyunion apeared, and aproved the decrete.
All living cats kneeled before his dead ancestors, in a reference full of respect and honor.
" We did it, finally we did it"

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