Chapter 15

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Redfur, after organizing all unions, went with his union, and then they decided who would be the medicine cat. Every union would need a medicine cat, and they decided that somone that can save lives, had to be connected to Skyunion, and then, the meeicine cata were proclaimed the messengers of Skyunion.
All leaders were named something and brave, Redfur was no longer called like that, he now was Redbrave. Ragebrave, hwo wasn't one of the Redbrave's partidaries, was very happy to have his own union, but Redbrave suspected he would do something against him.
"So now you are Redbrave right?" White Sunshine meowed.
" Yes, and you will be my organizer."
"You will be the next leader of Redunion, White Sunshine. You deserve it."
" So I will be Whitebrave, or Bravesunshine, or something like that, and I will  lead your union to glory." 
Then, they divided their territories, and stablished borders, in action of unity and peace.
Tribe of Hammer took the territory that was further of Redunion, maybe because he didn't want to look like a invader. Rageunion stablished with border to Redunion, action that Redbrave took as a declaration of rivality. He wasn't affraid of Ragebrave, but he was about his ambition. How far would got that cat only for power?
He had the unlikable sensation that troubles were just starting.

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