Chapter 20

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"What is going on right here!?" Redbrave meowed. He saw a lot of cats entering the nursery, and he didn't comprehend what was going on right there. Then, he received an answer. " Blackkit, is gone!" His daughter meowed.
" Is he dead?"
"No, he just disappeared, we suspect that Ragebrave kidnapped him."
"Ragebrave is capable of a lot of thinks, but hijack a kit?"
" He is perfectly capable of something like that" his daughter said.
Then, they went to the camp of Rageunion and they meowed that they wanted to offer their territory, but only by the price of Blackkit.
" You are such a fools. Do you really think that I will give you the kit?  You'll die for invading our territory. Rageunion, attack!"
"Wait, wait here you have an herb for you to eat it will give you power, Skyunion gave it to us"
"Do you think that I will believe you?"
They projected a false light with the sun, and then Ragebrave tasted it.
" Ahhh ouhhh, it is poisoned! Kill them all"

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