Chapter 1: Again In Centuries

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Kiku was walking through the rain with his black naval uniform and purple cape. He was a little angry about the fact he lost his katana while getting into a fight with a civilian.

He didn't care that when he comes back to the base, he's going to be soaking wet. All he cares about is getting his katana back.

In need of shelter, he stopped on his tracks and looked around. He headed to the woods so he'll get less rain.

Thankfully, there was less rain in the woods. While walking, he looks around, making sure he's all alone.

"When is this rain gonna stop?"

He asked quietly to himself, still pissed off that he lost his katana. He looked at his left and saw a small house on the distance.

Oh, a house. Finally.

He thought to himself. The man sighed in relief and walked towards it, instantly deciding to stay there for the rest of the day.

He didn't want to admit it, but he was tired. His eyes widened when he saw a woman in the house as he entered.

A lightly tanned woman with short brown hair, brown eyes and was wearing a white dress turned around and smiled.

"Hi Kiku, it's been a while."

She said softly. He stared at the woman who stopped smiling and was replaced with confusion.


Kiku muttered quietly.

"By awhile, you mean a few centuries?"

He asked. Maria shrugged and went to her right and was searching through the wood. The house was apparently a storage house.

"Nevermind that, why are you here?"

He asked again to her. Maria looked at Kiku and replied:

"I could say the same for you, Kuya." 

He forgot she could be hard-headed too. But it looked like she was hard-headed in a polite way, which was strange to describe.

Maria was still rummaging through the wood. Kiku stared at her, wondering what she was looking for.

"I want you to leave now, Maria. My soldiers might come to find and catch you."

He warned her. Maria looked at him and was starting to be slightly disappointed.

Even her disappointment was showing on her face.

"But I just got here.."

She replied. Kiku sighed and walked towards her.

He put his hands on her shoulders and looked directly to her eyes. Maria felt a little nervous at his strong grip and serious face.

The intensity of his gaze was something she was not used to. She didn't show her nervous self to him.

She won't allow it.

It's strange for her to not allow it, she was always so expressive and was sometimes not afraid to tell her true feelings and opinions about something.

She won't tell anything hurtful though, Antonio taught her way too well. He was sometimes serious with her but most of the time, he was nice and outgoing.

Despite the soldiers from his country were abusive to her and the civilians of her country.

There was a time that Antonio got very mad with her. But in the end, he apologized with tears.

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