Chapter 5: Fear

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Kyle was left behind. Maria had to run away. Again.

She always felt so guilty. She had to leave a newly made friend and let him hold that soldier off.

° ° °

"Crap. Maria, I need you to leave. Find a place to hide and try to find Alfred."

"Wait, why? Why do I need to leave?"

"I found those same two soldiers over there. I'll hold them off, mate."

"I can fight, too!"

"You're wounded. Even if you say it isn't that bad, you have to leave."

"But Kuya-"

"Alfred sent me here, mate. He's a friend of mine, and you sound very important to him."

"My only purpose here is to help you find Alfred and don't let you get hurt in the process, mate."

"I'll meet you there, okay?"

"Kuya Kyle.."


"Promise me you'll be fine."

"I promise you, mate. Now leave quickly."

° ° °

She decided to hide in the woods and hope she can meet Alfred.

Walking around cautiously in the forest, hiding behind tree trunks from time to time to make sure no one is coming her way.

She watched her step, trying not to step on dried leaves that might give her position away.

Hearing two voices in the distance, the woman quickly went over to some bushes to hide.

"Dude, I don't know where we are at all."

"Of course you don't, you git."

"I hope we're in that place.."

Maria heard two voices nearby. She can feel her heartbeat faster when both of those voices seem so familiar.

"Kuya Alfred? Kuya Arthur?"

She quietly asked, still hiding. It had to be Alfred and Arthur.

"Maria? Dudette? Is that you? Or am I hallucinating?"

Alfred asked back.

"I heard it too."

"Maria? Where are you-"

She suddenly came out from the bushes and gave Alfred a big hug.


Alfred looked down at her with a big smile on his face. He instantly hugged her back.

"Dude, I missed you so much! What's that on your arm?"

Alfred asked. He was still smiling but the concern was obviously shown on his light blue eyes.

"It's okay. I got myself wounded but it's not that bad."

"You sure? If that's so, good. It better be, dude."

The man learned that there was no point in arguing with a woman like Maria.

She's too hard-headed, just like what he learned for controlling her country for 5 decades.

Maria faced the other way and saw Arthur standing away in a safe distance. He had a little smile on his face, seeing Alfred and her reuniting.

"I got through so much trouble with that git just to look for you."

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