Chapter 11: It Was

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Arthur gulped nervously at his words. He looked up to face him and slowly nodded. The Englishman said what the man exactly looked like.

He struggled to explain everything on what he saw.

It all started when he was supposedly sleeping peacefully.

° ° °

Arthur was lying down on his bed. Everything seemed normal for him.

Why was he even dreaming of himself waking up from his sleep?

The man sat up to look around the bedroom.

Everything felt so vivid and real.

Nothing was happening.

Nothing bad happened during this week.

He suddenly heard light chuckling from right next to him.

Arthur faced the one making it. The voice sounded exactly like his.

He saw another man sitting right next to him. There was blood on his cheeks and was a straight-up lookalike of him.

He giggled at the sight of Arthur and let the Englishman stare at him with both confusion and fear on his green eyes.

Arthur already remembered what the man looked like.

Messy strawberry blonde hair, eyes in the same hue of blue as Alfred's.

His clothes coloured in pastel pinks, yellows and blues. After Arthur was staring at him, the unknown man took out a pair of glasses from his pocket.

The glasses itself had this scarlet red liquid splattered nearly all over it.

The man wore it and laughed at Arthur's eyes when he realized whose glasses it was.

Arthur felt like his eyes were messing him up and realized that the man's clothes were stained in blood.

He looked at himself and saw blood on his lap. His hands also covered in it. He looked at the man with terror.

"Nice to meet you Arthur! I'm Oliver, if you can't remember! It's been awhile since we met like this."

He beamed at the other man with a wide smile. He laughed at him again when he removed the glasses and put it on Arthur's lap.

"As you can tell, I'm another you. A version of you in another..universe."

The man trembled in fear as a reply.

The second version of him stared at him with a carefree smile. He even gestured to the floor behind him.

Arthur took a peak, only to see a katana, a white flower and a bandaid on the floor, all showered and in a pool of blood.

He looked at himself and saw the same pair of eyeglasses on his bloodied lap.

"It's safe to say they're gone for good. You can guess what happened to them though. I'm interested in your theories.."

Arthur took the glasses and tears overflowed from his eyes.

"This is not real. Definitely.."

He felt a cold metal object touch his neck as he placed the glasses on the bed.

They started to here ticking, growing louder by each second.


It sounded like a clock.

Oliver groaned, nearly angrily.
He struggled to keep his composure, which Arthur could tell due to his hand quivering while holding the knife.

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