Chapter 2: A Sudden Change

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Kiku went back to base, he managed to dry himself a little. His comrades looking at him worriedly.

Some stared, some were relieved, some talked to him in his country's native language.

"Are you okay, sir?"

"Where were you?"

"Luckily you're fine, sir."

Those were their words.

Kiku told them to back off and said he needed rest. They understood and left him. He sat in a bench, all alone. He crossed his arms and looked down to the ground.

He needed a little alone time for a while.

She did what I wanted in the end.

He thought. It was weird though, she left him right after a second hug. It was necessary though.

He might've changed to the complete opposite of himself and plan what he's going to do with her. Kiku might've completely forgotten that she must leave.

Or something bad might've happened to her.

And it will be his fault.

If I changed, did an unforgivable thing to her, Antonio and Alfred will go insanely mad.

He thought again. He was so thankful she left before he did. Kiku was starting to become different ever since the war began. He wasn't himself.

Yao and the others noticed when they were coming for a short visit.

That was when he took them.

° ° °

All that the man remembers was falling asleep or something related to that.

He was trapped in some sort of dream.

Trapped in an endless, dark void.

He was dragged into this sea of darkness forcefully.

Who could've done it?

He was floating in midair.

He couldn't see anything. He was still wearing his uniform at least.

But he didn't see any light source.

But when the man looked at himself more thoroughly, he realized that he himself is a light source.

But it was slowly dying out.

He was so alone.

Memories flashed around himself.

He saw what he was doing.
It was like a recap, but he doesn't know anything that happened beyond before he was trapped here.

He's the only person watching this.

He saw everything.

Yao went over to Kiku and looked at him worriedly.

"Are you alright, aru?"

"I-I'm fine, Yao-san."

"Are you sure? You won't eat."

"I just don't feel like eating."

Li Xiao, the personification of Hong Kong, stood up and stared at Kiku.

"You're not like yourself ever since we visited."

He stated.

Im Yong Soo, the representative of South Korea, still sitting on his chair, quickly nodded in agreement.

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