Chapter 4: He Who Has Returned

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He ran everywhere. He doesn't know where the hell he is going.

He made a promise to her.

° ° °

He looked up at the sky. He was expecting someone.

They are in war now again.

He was waiting for her.

"Kuya! I'm here!"

She called out. He turned to face her with a saddened look. She frowned and asked.

"Are you okay, Kuya?"

"I-I need to leave this country. I never knew he would attack now.."

"We didn't prepare on time.."

"Kuya, it's alright."

"You find everything alright. Why?"

"It's just how I was raised. It's normal."

"I wish I could be like you on times like this."

"It's alright, Kuya. I do the opposite sometimes. I don't want people to look at me like I'm crazy for still being positive in a bad situation."

"I have to leave this country now. Can you come with me?"

"I'm sorry but no. You don't need to make me come with you, Kuya. I'll stay here in my country."

"A-are you sure, Maria?"

"Yup. I'll stay here. For my country."

"Please. Don't get yourself hurt."

He came closer to her. He put his hands on her shoulders.

"I will return, Maria."

° ° °

The blonde man wiped his sweat off. He kicked the ground out of frustration.

He should've asked where Kiku was so he can start from there.

"Do you know where the bloody hell do you have to go?"

Another blonde man asked, annoyance present in both his face and voice.

The man with the blonde hair and cowlick fixed his crooked glasses. He wore a brown bomber jacket with the number 50 on the back. He had baby blue eyes as well.


The second blonde man facepalmed. He had messy blonde hair and emerald green eyes. He is well-known for his thick eyebrows.

The personification of both the United States of America and United Kingdom were both standing in the middle of nowhere in Manila.

"For the Queen's sake, Alfred!"

"What? I didn't do anything!"

"I volunteered myself to accompany you because you're too stupid for your own good!"

° ° °

"Iggy, I have to leave. I'll keep some of my soldiers here to help your country."

"Where the bloody hell are you going to then?"

"To the Philippines."


"Yeah. I have to look for someone there."

"And you're gonna get yourself in trouble."


"I'm coming with you."

A Long Time Ago Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora