Chapter 2

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Most of my day was spent doing patrol routes around the border, away from the house. For obvious reasons I'm sure. Late in the evening I watch the dark charcoal gray wolf of my father stalk up. Surprised he even released his wolf. It's a rare occasion for him. He shifts back to his human form and brushes miniscule dust from his blazer. "Adira, explain to me, what the fuck you were thinking? Talking to them under my nose." It's a struggle to keep my mouth shut as I stare Father down, my hands clenched behind my back in a position similar to parade rest. "What did you tell them?" Go to hell.

The snarl in his voice does little to intimidate me, Father likes to forget he isn't the only one with Alpha blood in his veins. You breed me, you imbecile. "I told them nothing; they suspended my duties. They asked for your whereabouts and I told them you were in a meeting with Beta." It's all true. Anthony snarls and grabs a fistful of my hair before he kicks the back of my knee, forcing me to the ground. Nera snarls pushing against my skin, her need to shift feral at this point. Enough... their time will come soon enough.

"Why are they here?" Father snarls to no one in particular, he storms across the clearing, pacing with unease. Are you feeling the pressure yet? I want nothing more than to provoke him, break down the little patience he has. I keep my mouth shut even as Anthony wrenches my arm up, pleased he has the ability to push me around. Filthy prick.

"Someone must've talked to the stuck up bastards. Investigations don't appear out of nowhere." Anthony sneers as his grip tightens, on a mission to find who exposed them. Father's eyes flicker red as his wolf appears.

"No shit! Someone got in contact with them! Who's been watching the mail? Someone got something out, I demand to know!" Father snarls as he storms closer, crouching to get in my face. "Was it you? Did I trust you with the wrong duty? Have you betrayed me, daughter?" The warriors in the clearing glance wearily at one another, everyone on edge with the fate of the pack.

"Adira knows a lot, her wolf's unruly on the best of days a bitch on the rest." I can hear the smirk in his voice as he pulls my arm up higher. Nera snarls as I slam my free elbow into his groin, he releases a pained growl.

"Who are you calling a bitch?" My eyes flash gold a silver ring surrounding, her position clear to witness. Anthony snarls as he pulls my hair back and forces me to the ground and Fathers foot stomps on my throat, he snarls enraged.

"Enough! You're already on rocky ground, don't make me have to do more damage. We can't afford for you to be too damaged." The increasing pressure on my throat as Nera snarling more as I struggle to force her back. Let them play their game and show their hand. I push his foot up, a futile effort to keep pressure off my windpipe. I can't die just yet. Anthony snarls as he kicks my hip.

"Bitch." His eyes glow orange in his rage. I can't wait to watch him die.

"Adira wouldn't slip a message to those bastards; she knows the repercussions." Father growls, his eyes flash a deep red in memory. You cold hearted bastard. "It has to be one of those damn peasants I let live under me." I struggle to keep silent as Father rants about the pack. The only way we can win is if we survive the investigation Nera.

"How are we to handle it Alpha? Those idiots are going to question everyone; one of those idiots will share too much." Anthony's comment makes Father angrier he presses down on my throat, black dots swirl around my vision, my lungs burn head aches.

Father steps off of my throat and I inhale deeply as I watch him through a narrowed gaze. Don't be stupid now, you can't afford it. "I don't care; we've been suspended from our duties." He pauses as his eyes light up with cruel glee. "But we still have pack link. I can use their families against them." I roll over to my stomach and cough, the dry brittle sounds harsh in the cool night air. "Adira can volunteer to be an example." Father growls as his eyes glow eerily. You're scared of what they can do to you.

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