Chapter 8

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I stare over the assembled pack, the hold filled with members, young and old. Warriors placed towards the front, anything higher in front of the partition. As it should be in his mind. "The council arrives today." I turn to stare at Father and keep a bored expression. You're still surprised? I wait for him to continue my own nerves, a ball in my gut. Today will be the end of this nightmare.

"What's their plan? You've spent the most time with them." He sneers and turns his attention to me, eyes ablaze with anger.

"I'm not privy to that intel, I'm on trial just the same as you." Not exactly, but not far from the truth. Today is the day I'm interviewed, for the whole pack to witness my shortcomings. It's the only way to leave this behind and face my judgment. Nera growls at the look in his eyes, his wolf is scared, on edge. They know. While I don't know intimate details I have a rough idea of what to expect, from a normal investigation.

And this is anything but normal. "You should be higher on this list than I." He growls and I smirk at him, releasing a cold, unfeeling laugh.

"No, you're the Alpha. It's time you face the light and accept your failings. You landed this pack here with your greed. Accept the punishment." I growl lowly, unhappy with where this has gone. He growls as his eyes flash that of his wolf.

"You are to blame." He tries to assert once more and I can't contain the laugh that bubbles from my core, passion flames from my core. The pain that spreads over my back fuels the fire.

"No." I push from the wall, watching as Anthony glares at us, caught up in his own worries of the trial. "You're incompetency landed us here. You slaughtered member after member of this pack. Forced others to kill themselves and their family. Their blood is on your hands." I feel the tension in the call rise considerably, the air thickens, damp with the disgust from below. My blood still hangs in the air.

"What did you say?" He snarls, the sound echoes off the barren walls.

"Are you deaf? Or just daft? It's time you're judged as you have judged the members of this pack. Look in the mirror, you're the reason the council is here." The room is charged with energy, I growl as I stare him down, my silence is over, no longer held to protect anyone. I will right the wrongs I have done. I want a chance to stand beside my mate.

"Watch your mouth little girl." Father snarls, his for shakes, the veins in his forehead protrude as he struggles to breath. The shoe's tight on the other foot, isn't it?

"Or what old man? You don't scare me, your pathetic threats are done. You're a weak excuse of a wolf who plays off of the fear he instills into those beneath him." I chuckle and cross my arms over my chest to stare him down. "You'll learn the only ones loyal to you are the ones that believe they can get something from you." The silence in the hall is interrupted by his angry snarls.

"You need to watch your mouth bitch." Anthony growls as he moves closer, his skin bristles similar to Roberto. I cock my head and smirk, Nera's fangs descend, more amused than threatened by him.

"The only bitch I see is you Anthony." I sneer his name out, no longer using his title. I'm done with your games. "You don't scare me, you've only ever pissed me off." I release a chortle to mock him and his lack of power. "I can't wait to see them hang you for your crimes. This pack will cheer when your blood is spilled."

"Enough!" Father snarls and I grin, my fire heated glare switches from both of them.

"It'll be retribution for the pain and suffering you've all caused. I can't wait to piss on your graves when this pack is finally thriving with a good Alpha." Their blistering features give me glee as I poke the snarling wolves barely held back. It's a shame they even bother to show restraint, they never have when they deemed they deserved it.

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